
Rails 3 load issue

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I currently have the following setup:

  • rails 3.0.0.beta4
  • rspec 2.0.0.beta.12
  • mongoid 2.0.0.beta7
  • machinist 1.0.6
  • machinist_mongo 1.1.0

When running any spec task, the mongo documents will be loaded with the Machinist::ObjectAdapter instead of the Mongoid one. However, running the rails console and requiring 'spec/spec_helper' creates the expected behavior.

I currently patched this (horribly) by changing my blueprints.rb file:

#require 'machinist/object'
require 'machinist/mongoid'
#more requires

class Object
  include Machinist::Blueprints
  include Machinist::MongoidExtensions::Document

#Blueprint definitions

This is clearly far from ideal. What could be causing this behavior?


I have this working here. I remember that I had to tweak something though.
Do you have this in your gemfile?

gem 'machinist_mongo', :require => 'machinist/mongoid'

That did it! Thanks a bunch.

Should this be mentioned in the readme, to avoid other people from stumbling on it?

Guess so :-)

Yep you're right, I will edit the README soon. For Rails 3 + RSpec 2 you should use machinist_mongo 2.0.0.pre or the git master.

Good point, I missed that one (maybe add a note in the README too?). Thanks for your help!