
improve documentation of lambdas

iantaylor-NOAA opened this issue · 1 comments

Joel Rice pointed out that the documentation of the lambdas in https://nmfs-stock-synthesis.github.io/doc/SS330_User_Manual_release.html#lambdas-emphasis-factors is a little slim.

A few things that could be added include

  • that you can put any placeholder value like 0 or 999 for fleet if the likelihood component is not fleet specific (like recdevs) (related to nmfs-ost/ss3-source-code#469).
  • that you can put any placeholder value like 0 or 999 for the SizeFreq Method unless the likelihood component you are changing the lambda for is 6 = size frequency in which case you need to have a row for each size frequency method you want to modify and put the associated method number in that fourth column.

I'm happy to help with this further but won't have time until the beginning of August.

@iantaylor-NOAA do you have any example models that have more advanced lambda adjustments? I would love to see what a model with that looks like.