
Slides Bug

Opened this issue · 4 comments

I was playing around with the helper, but it happens very often that the slides start to glitch between two values. If I refresh the page, it gets even worst because if I touch other slides, they start to glitch as well.

Hello. Can you give us more information on which version of the helper files you were trying to use and which sliders you are trying? There are Excel helpers and some R based helper files. We do not use them much, so it may take us some time to diagnose this problem.

I just tried out the online version of the R helper at https://connect.fisheries.noaa.gov/ss3-helper/ and wasn't able to replicate a glitch. If you attach a screenshot showing the settings you have, that might help diagnose the issue.

Hi Ian,

I'm using the online version. I uploaded how the issue looks like, and it seems to happen when click too fast on the arrows in the value box.


@Valecase46, thanks for posting the video. I was eventually able to get it to start glitching for me as well. In addition to being annoying to look at, I was no longer able to move the slider that was jumping back and forth between two values.

However, refreshing the page starting everything over at the default values and I was able to slide things again. This is surely a shiny issue and not something that anyone on the SS3 team is likely to be able to make progress on. I can leave the issue open in case someone else has ideas to add.