
Release v3.30.21 checklist

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Release checklist

Created this release checklist in preparation for the v3.30.21 release currently scheduled for mid-January. Please feel free to make changes to this checklist as you see fit.

Checklist for before prerelease - Skip prerelease for 3.30.21

  • SS testing and debugging completed (RM and IT)
  • r4ss updated (IT)

Checklist for before release

Checklist for after release

  • Examples updated in user-examples repo using this github action (EG)
  • Update ss-test-models reference files to the release version using this update github action (EG). Also tag after updating with release number.
  • Removed "resolved" tag and close all issues worked in the milestone for this release (RM)
  • Move unworked issues for the release milestone to the next milestone (RM)