
Ubuntu 20.04, new libfprint-2 and as such our precious drivers won't work.

spxak1 opened this issue · 10 comments

Nice easy compile and installation in 19.10

Upgraded to 20.04, the fingerprint scanner stopped working.

After looking at what changed, libfprint is now libfprint-2, installs a new set of libraries (libfprint-2.so.2.0.0) at a different location (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu).

Our drivers compile great, but they're no substitute for the new libraries, as such I'm currently back to square one.

This is on 138a:0090. Thank you

138a:0097 - the same

I have the sad/slowly feeling this wonderful project is dead. :(

Fedora 32 updated fprintd to the latest version, which also requires libfprint-2.so. The previous modified version is completely unusable. Could successfully make and install it, and run the enroll and verify in the examples directory. But running fprintd-enroll gave No devices available.

ThinkPad T470 with 138a:0097, too.


Here is the successor.

It cannot be used in Fedora 32. When I tested meson libfprint libfprint/_build, I got this error following:

Does the PKGBUILD from https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/libfprint-vfs009x-git/ help you?
(Just checkout the Git Clone URL:)

Or how it get build there for ubuntu?

I am sadly not much into fedora, but maybe it's just a configuration mistake on your build system?

Well, if it helps I uploaded by private builds of libfprint for Fedora 32 (64 bit) here: http://cubbi.de/libfprint/

@MartinX3 @sircubbi thanks for your help!
Through "PKGBUILD of the arch repository" and "@sircubbi private builds of libfprint", I successfully installed the new libfprint. However, when I used fprintd-enroll to test, I found that they didn't work ;;;;

@MartinX3 @sircubbi thanks for your help!
Through "PKGBUILD of the arch repository" and "@sircubbi private builds of libfprint", I successfully installed the new libfprint. However, when I used fprintd-enroll to test, I found that they didn't work ;;;;

This is exactly what I ran into as well: https://gitter.im/Validity90/Lobby?at=5efe3170e0e5673398ebc0be