
ESTARM - help

gunjanthakuria opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi Mileva,

Thanks the code was very useful and helpful in understanding the implementation of STARFM. I am working on fusing the Thermal bands of Modis and Landsat data to produce daily Land Surface Temperature (LST) at Landsat Resolution .
While STARFM is useful to start off, I would like to understand if you have also implemented ESTARFM in python and could guide is on that.

Thanks ,

Hi Gunjan,
I'm happy this implementation was useful for you. I haven't worked on the implementation of ESATRFM.


感谢代码非常有用,有助于理解 STARFM 的实现。我正在努力融合 Modis 和 Landsat 数据的热波段,以在 Landsat 分辨率下生成每日地表温度 (LST)。 虽然 STARFM 在开始时很有用,但我想了解您是否也在 python 中实现了 ESTARFM 并且可以指导。

谢谢, 甘扬


感谢代码非常有用,有助于理解 STARFM 的实现。我正在努力融合 Modis 和 Landsat 数据的热波段,以在 Landsat 分辨率下生成每日地表温度 (LST)。 虽然 STARFM 在开始时很有用,但我想了解您是否也在 python 中实现了 ESTARFM 并且可以指导。

谢谢, 甘扬

I am also working on generating LST data using ESTARFM model in python recently, have you done it? Could you please share the code below if possible?
Many thangs