
trying to download an asset may give "TypeError: cannot read property" and fail to download

Opened this issue · 1 comments

and the download of the 4 concurrent chunks will fail
but there is their url on the log with the full chunk filename
you can look for the 2nd part of the chunk name (after the "_") on the manifests file |tr "," "\n" for the asset
there will be specified in what folder you must put the file
after you successfully and quickly download it with wget :)

of course this is only useful for a very small asset like "UE4 mannequim mobile"

I havent understood yet why I can download with wget but not with thru this launcher? any idea?

The problem seems to be exclusive (tile now) to the "UE4 mannequim mobile" asset!!!

I have a similar problem with the current commit 214fc8f, trying to download the Scify Hallway asset pack.

Uncaught Exception: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'F4DFBE4D431172E8C1DFEBAA47B5A989')
  at Unzip.onUnzip [as cb] (./libs/epicApi.js:757:75)
  at Unzip.zlibBufferOnEnd (node:zlib:161:10)
  at Unzip.emit (node:events:526:28)
  at endReadableNT (node:internal/streams/readable:1345:12)
  at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:83:21)

last output in termal was:

Initiating OAuth... 100%
  access_token: '<...>',
  expires_in: 28800,
  expires_at: '2022-07-17T00:35:14.182Z',
  token_type: 'bearer',
  refresh_token: '<...>',
  refresh_expires: 1987200,
  refresh_expires_at: '2022-08-08T16:35:14.183Z',
  account_id: '<...>',
  client_id: '<...>',
  internal_client: true,
  client_service: 'launcher',
  displayName: 'fuchsi',
  app: 'launcher',
  in_app_id: '<...>',
  device_id: '<...>'
Getting item manifest...
Using cached manifest
Downloading chunks...
Downloading 1 of 1742 https://epicgames-download1.akamaized.net/Builds/Rocket/Automated/SciFiHallway/CloudDir/ChunksV3/05/F8DE0A0A74480E08_F4DFBE4D431172E8C1DFEBAA47B5A989.chunk
Downloading 2 of 1742 https://epicgames-download1.akamaized.net/Builds/Rocket/Automated/SciFiHallway/CloudDir/ChunksV3/70/10CAB542A3AC00E0_60EA4E5446A34E317768C3A49B5E9B1E.chunk
Downloading 3 of 1742 https://epicgames-download1.akamaized.net/Builds/Rocket/Automated/SciFiHallway/CloudDir/ChunksV3/18/204B4CC9C1B7E94D_228050034F880DEFF089CDB3791FA30E.chunk
Downloading 4 of 1742 https://epicgames-download1.akamaized.net/Builds/Rocket/Automated/SciFiHallway/CloudDir/ChunksV3/02/89E27C3C5E5B83BF_F36C8D6F425972E9978168BBE1004A42.chunk