
API settings

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In your inputs.conf file you are looking for this.
opendns_organization_id =
opendns_api_key =
opendns_auth_token =

But at api.opendns.com/v3/organizations the values given don't match those descriptions. They look like this. (I've replaced my API info with X's here, but you get the point).
[{"organizationId":XXXXX,"originId":XXXXXXXX,"resellerId":X,"creatorUserId":XXXXXXX,"accountManagerUserId":null,"organizationName":"Company Name Here","website":"","mspOrganizationId":X,"organizationTypeId":X,"createdAt":null,"modifiedAt":null,"salesforceAccountId":"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"}]

There is an organization ID, but not an API key or auth token. What fields do those map to?