
This is a comprehensive digital solution designed to manage various aspects of airline operations, including flight and airplane management, ticket booking, and user authentication. It's structured as a microservices architecture, consisting of distinct services for user management.

Primary LanguageJava

SKYLINK Airline Management

Skylink Airline Management is a software solution that digitally handles issues such as purchasing flight tickets and hotel reservations.


User Microservice (user-ms)

Authentication, Authorization, and Registration Service

  • Endpoint: /user-ms/authentication

    • Method: POST
    • Access: Permit all
    • Description: Allows users to log in.
    • Request Body:
      { "username": "", "password": "" }
    • Response Model:
      { "access-token": "", "refresh-token": "" }
  • Endpoint: /user-ms/renew-password/{username}

    • Method: POST
    • Access: Permit all
    • Description: Initiates a password reset by sending a request to the user's email.
    • Response Model:
      { "message": "" }
    • Request Parameter:
  • Endpoint: /user-ms/reset-password

    • Method: POST
    • Access: Permit all
    • Description: Sets a new password.
    • Request Body:
      { "newPassword": "", "repeatPassword": "" }
    • Response Body:
      { "message": "" }
  • Endpoint: /user-ms/refresh-token

    • Method: GET
    • Access: Authenticated
    • Description: Refreshes the user's token.
    • Request Header:
      Authentication: User-id:
    • Response Body:
      { "access-token": "", "refresh-token": "" }
  • Endpoint: /user-ms/registration

    • Method: POST
    • Access: Permit all
    • Description: Allows users to create an account, with authentication enabled only after email confirmation.
    • Request Body:
      { "username": "", "password": "", "phoneNumber": "", "email": "", "birthdate": "", "paspFin": "", "paspSeria": "" }
    • Response Body:
      { "message": "" }
  • Endpoint: /user-ms/confirmation

    • Method: GET
    • Access: Permit all
    • Description: Endpoint for confirming the account after registering via email.
    • Request Parameter:
    • Response Body:
      { "isConfirmed": "" }
  • Endpoint: /user-ms/admin/registration

    • Method: POST
    • Access: Admin
    • Description: Allows adding a new admin, who must set a password by clicking on the link sent to their email.
    • Request Body:
      { "username": "", "password": "", "phoneNumber": "", "email": "", "birthdate": "", "paspFin": "", "paspSeria": "" }
    • Request Header:
      Authentication: User-id:

Booking Microservice (booking-ms)

Service for Booking Tickets, Hotel Reservations, etc.

  • Endpoint: /booking-ms/booking/tickets

    • Method: GET
    • Access: Authenticated
    • Description: Displays all tickets purchased by the user.
    • Response Body:
      [{ "ticketId": "", "firstName": "", "lastName": "", "from": "", "to": "", "departureDateTime": "", "arrivalDateTime": "", "price": "", "flightId": "" }]
  • Endpoint: /booking-ms/booking/tickets/{ticketId}

    • Method: GET
    • Access: Authenticated
    • Description: Allows the user to view details of a purchased ticket.
    • Response Body:
      { "ticketId": "", "firstName": "", "lastName": "", "from": "", "to": "", "departureDateTime": "", "arrivalDateTime": "", "price": "", "flightId": "" }
  • Endpoint: /booking-ms/booking/tickets/{flightId}

    • Method: POST
    • Access: Authenticated
    • Description: Allows the user to purchase a ticket for the selected flight. Produces information to Kafka with formatted ticketId. The Notification Microservice should consume this information and send the PDF as an email.
    • Response Body:
      { "message": "" }
  • Endpoint: /booking-ms/booking/tickets/{ticketId}/pdf

    • Method: GET
    • Access: Authenticated
    • Description: Allows the user to download the purchased ticket in PDF format.
    • Response: PDF file

Flight Microservice (flight-ms)

Service for Managing Flights

  • Endpoint: /flight-ms/flights

    • Method: POST
    • Access: Admin
    • Description: Adds a new flight.
    • Request Model:
      { "fromAirlineId": "", "toAirlineId": "", "departureDateTime": "", "arrivalDateTime": "", "initialPrice": "", "airplaneId": "" }
    • Response Model:
      { "message": "" }
  • Endpoint: /flight-ms/flights

    • Method: GET
    • Access: Permit all
    • Description: Displays all upcoming and available flights. Provides filtering options.
    • Response Model:
      [{ "From": "", "To": "", "DepartureDateTime": "", "ArrivalDateTime": "", "price": "" }]
  • Endpoint: /flight-ms/flights/{id}

    • Method: GET
    • Access: Permit all
    • Description: Displays details of the selected flight.
    • Response Model:
      { "From": "", "To": "", "DepartureDateTime": "", "ArrivalDateTime": "", "price": "" }
  • Endpoint: /flight-ms/flights/{id}

    • Method: DELETE
    • Access: Admin
    • Description: Deactivates the selected flight.
    • Response Model:
      { "message": "" }
  • Endpoint: /flight-ms/flights/{id}

    • Method: PUT
    • Access: Admin
    • Description: Allows the admin to modify details of the selected flight.
    • Request Model:
      { "fromAirlineId": "", "toAirlineId": "", "departureDateTime": "", "arrivalDateTime": "", "initialPrice": "", "airplaneId": "" }
    • Response Model:
      { "message": "" }
  • **

Endpoint:** /flight-ms/flights/{id}

  • Method: PATCH
  • Access: Admin
  • Description: Allows the admin to change the available, isFly, and other fields of the selected flight.
  • Request Model:
    { "isFly": "" }
  • Response Model:
    { "message": "" }

Airplane Microservice (airplane-ms)

Service for Managing Airplanes

  • Endpoint: /airplane-ms/airplanes

    • Method: GET
    • Access: Admin
    • Description: Displays all airplanes. Can filter to show only available or all airplanes.
    • Request Parameter:
    • Response Body:
      [{ "Id": "", "Name": "", "Max seats": "", "Max speed": "" }]
  • Endpoint: /airplane-ms/airplanes/{id}

    • Method: GET
    • Access: Admin
    • Description: Displays details of the selected airplane.
    • Response Body:
      { "Name": "", "Max seats": "", "Max speed": "" }
  • Endpoint: /airplane-ms/airplanes

    • Method: POST
    • Access: Admin
    • Description: Adds a new airplane.
    • Request Body:
      { "Name": "", "Max seats": "", "Max speed": "" }
    • Response Body:
      { "message": "" }
  • Endpoint: /airplane-ms/airplanes

    • Method: PUT
    • Access: Admin
    • Description: Allows the admin to update details of the selected airplane.
    • Request Model:
      { "Id": "", "Name": "", "Max seats": "", "Max speed": "" }
    • Response Model:
      { "message": "" }
  • Endpoint: /airplane-ms/airplanes/{id}

    • Method: DELETE
    • Access: Admin
    • Description: Deletes the selected airplane from the database.
    • Response Model:
      { "message": "" }
  • Endpoint: /airplane-ms/airplanes/{id}

    • Method: PATCH
    • Access: Admin
    • Description: Changes the isBusy field of the selected airplane.
    • Request Parameter:
    • Response Body:
      { "message": "" }

Notification Microservice (notification-ms)

Notification microservice consumes information produced by other services (e.g., booking-ms) from Kafka and sends emails.

Common Microservice (common-ms)

Common Endpoints and Utilities

  • Endpoint: /common-ms/airlines

    • Method: GET
    • Access: Admin
    • Description: Retrieves a list of airlines for use in dropdowns, filtering available based on optional parameters.
    • Request Parameter:
      country: airline:
    • Response Body:
      [ { "id": "", "country": "", "name": "", "airline": "" }, { "id": "", "country": "", "name": "", "airline": "" } ]
  • Endpoint: /common-ms/airlines/{id}

    • Method: GET
    • Access: Admin
    • Description: Retrieves details of the selected airline.
    • Response Body:
      { "id": "", "country": "", "name": "", "airline": "" }

Libraries (Libs)

Libraries and Utilities

  • common-exception: Handles common exceptions for all services.
  • common-email: Provides services and objects for sending emails.
  • common-notification: Handles the production and consumption of notification information.
  • common-security: Implements general security logic, requiring Authentication header and User-id for authenticated endpoints.
  • common-file-generator: Provides PDF generation utilities for creating and sending tickets in PDF format.

Common Information

  • Implement validation on request models.
  • Include the Authentication header and User-id in authenticated endpoint headers.
  • Customize response codes and error messages for a better user experience.
  • Address potential race conditions when multiple users access the same resources concurrently.
  • Any additional common functionalities can be added to the common-ms service.