First-front House Rental is a java Object Oriented based Application.
- Programming Language: Java(OOP)
- Editor: Apache Netbeans 12.0
- MySQL Workbench 8.0 CE
- GUI: Desktop
Database Name: firstfront_house_rental
Admin Panel:
Username: Admin
Password: i am admin
** The database has to be created and connected through "Provide_Connection" class.
** No need to create tables in the database manually.The tables will be created by "Create_Tables" class of Important package.
** Two external jar files has to be added to the project library to run the application properly
- mysql-connector-java-8.0.26.jar
- itext-5.0.5.jar
Admin has to change the status of a user after signing up. Unless the user cannot log in since initial status of every user is "Not Accepted Yet"
Image uploaded while posting an offer must be of size less than 550X550 px