
untangle the clear hook / stop pattern wonkiness

Closed this issue · 2 comments

currently it feels a bit untrustworthy.. I can be sure it works by running stop, clearing, re-running stop, etc. but UX and reliability is not at 100%, as far as I can tell

A few other notes/ideas that would enhance performability. These are beyond the initial scope of this task, which is to simply make it more reliable. Currently you need to stop the pattern twice to have it really stop, because the next pattern that's being generated somehow overrides the command to stop.

  • consider adding a UI to the text editor to visualize patterns that are currently playing.
  • consider adding key commands to stop and/or clear a named pattern without stopping the transport.

This commit makes the .stop() command work much more consistently without overhauling everything.


It was only an issue on my machine when runnings commands that take a fair amount of time to generate. That would cause delays which would then cause the new data to get added to the transport AFTER stopVoice() call.

I'm going to make another issue to capture the items listed in the second comment.