
Add Hysplit to combine class

bbakernoaa opened this issue · 1 comments

Hysplit should be added to the combine module. For surface observations, we should add a flag for the pairing datasets.

Each model should be able to provide a dictionary as a kwarg for a mapping table. For instance, to map a variable to PM10 from HYSPLIT with two aerosol parameters with diameters 2.5 and 10.0 for surface PM10 measurements a dictionary such as {'PM10': ['PM2.5','PM10']} should be given.

The combine function has been completely rewritten. It is much more flexible and much slimmer. The function is less than 200 lines of code now and doesn't duplicate code.

the combine function will work like this

import monet 
m.combine(model=hysplit,obs=airnow,lay=50,mapping_table={'PM10': ['PM10', 'PM25']})

For hysplit the model level is height above ground level. For other models that have terrain following coordinates, the layers are indices of model layers.