
python code for creating HYSPLIT input files and processing HYSPLIT output files

Primary LanguagePython

python code for reading and creating HYSPLIT input files as well as processing HYSPLIT output files.

  • utilhysplit directory contains general utilities for working with HYSPLIT.
    • hcontrol.py contains classes and functions for reading and writing HYSPLIT CONTROL, SETUP.CFG and ASC.CFG files.
      • example.py shows example of how to use classes in hcontrol.py
    • emitimes.py contains classes and functions for reading and writing emit-times files.
      • emitimes_example.py shows examples of use of classes in emitimes.py
    • metfiles.py contains classes and functions to automate adding meteorological data to CONTROL files.
      • metexamples.py example use of the getmetfiles function.
      • tests/test_metdata.py has tests for the MetFileFinder class which can also be used as examples.
    • message_parse.py will read in the MESSAGE file and can create some basic plots of things like time step, emrise,
    • hysplit_gridutil.py contains some functions which can be useful for combining different xarray datasets of cdump data.
    • vmixing.py classes and functions for reading in and plotting vmixing output.
    • xtrct_stn.py classes and functions for reading in and plotting output from xrct_stn.py
    • hysplit_profile.py classes and functions for reading and plotting ouput of profile program
    • runhandler.py class for handling multiple runs. Can be used for instance if need to do many HYSPLIT runs but only want to have 10 running at a time. runhandler can help start new runs as old ones finish.
    • geotools.py contains some functions for
      • computing concave hull around a set of points
      • finding distance and bearing between two points
    • arlmet.py class for reading ARL formatted files. Does not currently work.
  • utilhysplit/particlesize
    • contains some functions for computing fall velocity by various methods.
  • utilhysplit/plotutils
    • colormaker.py class to create list of colors. can produce colors suitable for kml files.
  • utilhysplit/evaluation
    • plume_stat.py calculate contingency table and derived statistics.
    • reliability.py classes for calculating reliability diagrams and rank histograms.
    • statmain.py can compute most of the statistics in statmain function. contains a MatchedData class.
    • hysplit_boxplots.py
    • ensemble_tools.py and ensemble_stats.py for working with xarrays which have dimensions of latitude,longitude,height,time,ensemble_number
    • datem.py for handling data in datem format.
  • utilml directory contains code which has dependency on the sklearn module
  • utilvolc directory contains code specific to volcanic ash applications. Dependencies on utilhysplit.
  • ashapp directory contains code for creating automated HYSPLIT runs. Dependencies on utilvolc and utilhysplit.
  • utiltesting contains tests


4/6/2023 Update the code

dependency on monet. correcting parallax uses the nearest_ij function in the monet accessor for the xarray. dask dependency in monetio. removed everything in the the init.py in monetio.obs directory so don't need dask.

11/7/2022 dependency. utilhysplit should contain only dependency on external approved modules. utilvolc can contain dependency on utilhysplit ashapp can contain dependency on utilvolc and utilhysplit

11/10/2022 code which has dependency on sklearn moved to utilml subdirectory.

DEPENDENCIES ashapp directory

ash_run.py ashensemble.py ashbase.py ashinverse.py ashdatainsertion.py ashtrajectory.py metfiles.py (gefs_suffix_list) runhelper utils (setup_logger)

ashbase.py utilvolc.ashapp.metfiles utilhysplit.hcontrol monetio.models hysplit utilvolc.ashapp.runhelper utilvolc.volcMER (HT2Unit)

ashtrajectory.py utilvolc.ashapp.runhelper (Helper) utilvolc.ashapp.ashbase (AshRun)

ashinverse.py utilvolc.ashapp.runhelper (Helper) utilvolc.ashapp.runhandler (ProcessList) utilvolc.ashapp.ashbase (AshRun) utilvolc.ashapp.ensemble_tools (massload_plot) monetio.models hysplit

ashensemble.py utilvolc.ashapp.ashbase (AshRun) utilvolc.ashapp.metfiles (gefs_suffix_list) utilvolc.ashapp.runhelper (Helper) utilvolc.ashapp.runhandler (ProcessList) ensemble_tools.py utilvolc.ashapp.cdump2xml (HysplitKml)

ashdatainsertion.py utilvolc.ashapp.ashbase (AshRun) utilvolc.ashapp.runhelper (AshDINameComposer) utilvolc.ashapp.runhandler (ProcessList) monetio.models hysplit

cdump2netcdf.py monetio.models (hysplit)

cdumpxml.py None datetime, loggin, os, zipfile, matplotlib, pandas, lxml

ensemble_tools.py NOT tracked? cartopy None

metfiles.py (also in utilhysplit) None

emitimes.py (also in utilhysplit) None numpy, datetime

runhandler.py None

runhelper.py utilhysplit.hcontrol (NameList) datetime, glob, loggin, os, pathlib, shutil, subprocess, sys


NOT finished

NOT tracked

volc_inverse.py not tracked. old version of ashinverse.py?

utils.py None logging, sys