
Different inundation maps for the `surrogate` and `model` of hurricane Florence

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@WPringle , and @SorooshMani-NOAA

Here are maximum water elevation maps for the BEST track and %exceedances of hurricane Florence from Fig. 12 of the paper:


I ran the ondemand-storm-workflow for the BEST track, but was not able to reproduce these maps! As you see, model and surrogate inundation maps are different:


Regarding the percentiles comparison (see below), both model and surrogate maps have the same pattern, and are somehow consistent with the paper, and the surrogate map (in previous figure), but different from the model (in the previous figure)!


Do you know why the model in the second figure has a different pattern?
Note that none_status_mask = None.

It looks like the images on left and right are the same.
@FariborzDaneshvar-NOAA need to check the plotting routines used to make these plots in detail I guess.