
(test) upstream update from v1.1.1 to v1.2 30599cc..408e38f (2020-06-21)

nobiot opened this issue · 1 comments

There have been many good changes.
Need to sort out what's relevant for Md-roam and test them.

But... my quick testing suggest that Md-roam as of today (2020-06-21) works with upstream commmit 408e38f (1.2.0).
Linking to headline is not relevant for markdown files, so there will be no support [edit: this refers to linking to headings via Org-IDs; may be there is a way to achieve this via [[wiki-link#heading]]]
But it may be worth thinking about linking from md to org including headnig. That take time, and I don't think I will use it so low prio for me at the moment. I will see.

1.2.1 (TBD)


  • #814 Implement org-roam-insert-immediate
  • #833 Add customization of file titles with org-roam-title-to-slug-function.
  • #839 Return selected file from org-roam-insert
  • #847 Add GC threshold org-roam-db-gc-threshold to temporarily change the threshold on expensive operations.
  • #847 Use sqlite3 transactions instead of storing the values to be inserted.
  • #851 Add 'first-directory' option for org-roam-tag-sources

Features (v.1.2.0)

  • #787 Add org-roam-unlinked-references
  • #783 Add support for headlines
  • #757 Roam global properties are now case-insensitive
  • #680 , #703, #708 Add org-roam-doctor checkers for ROAM_* properties
  • #664 Add support for shelling out to rg and find in org-roam--list-files
  • #679, #683 Building of the graph now happens in a separate process


  • #714 No longer print citelinks in backlinks buffer if there is no ROAM_KEY property or org-ref is not installed
  • #759, #760 Tags are only added to the tags table if there are actually tags present
  • #700, #733 Allow symlinks within the org-roam directory

Only for V1. Not relevant for V2