
Question: Is there any org-roam feature that is *not* supported?

anthrolisp opened this issue · 2 comments

Is there any org-roam feature that is not supported? Thanks in advance!

This is a good question, and very difficult to answer exhaustively.
Let me try.

For the text written with markdown syntax, the ones listed in README work (or should work) because I use them with my markdown notes with Org-roam. The rest is in the gray zone; that is, I don't explicitly test them.

If you use Org syntax within markdown files, I am not really stopping them so they should work as long as Md-roam does not have an overlapping feature. But this is also in the gray area.

If you look beyond Org-roam at the "ecosystem"; e.g. org-roam-server and org-roam-bibtex, they are in the gray zone, too, and probably they don't work. I don't use them. For the graph, I could use Obsidian as a graph browser. For bibtex, I use Pandoc syntax, so I can use plain helm-bibtex with no extension; I don't use org-ref or org-roam-bibtex.

Now that I have released V2, I'm closing this issue.