
What is the minimal requirement for md files to be recognized as org-roam nodes? Thank you very much.

suliveevil opened this issue · 7 comments

All my 20000 Obsidian notes have this YAML:

title: "callout_test"
date: 2022-11-11 05:38:40 +0800

Do I have to change all front-matter YAML to this style?

Can I leave category roam_refs roam_aliases empty?

Thank you very much.

title: callout_test
id: 2022-11-11T053840
roam_refs : 
roam_aliases :

Did you work this out by yourself?

I think you’d need just the ID property. The value does not have to be the date format. Not sure it needs to be one word with hyphens, but thats what I use.

Yes I figured it out, thank you for your kind concern.
I'm trying to understand Obsidian's backlink and roam's node 😬

As far as I know, Obsidian’s wiki syntax uses the filename without the extension, and spaces replaced with hyphens. Md-roam uses the title and aliases as they are, with spaces intact, and uses the cache (database) to identify the corresponding node.

Obsidian has less requirement while org-roam need id.

But when have files with same name in different subfolder, Obsidian's backlink is ugly.

I love the freedom of md-roam and org-roam, counterpart to Obsidian's hidden so-called "index".

Thank you for your great work! ☺️

Thank you. If two nodes have the same title, Md-roam outputs a message and cannot resolve to a single ID. You could use ID in the wiki syntax…

Thank you, tips get 😬