
[BUG] onMessage() and onNotification() returns an Error

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Before posting a bug, be sure that someone else has not posted it already and it is an actual bug with noblox.js and not other frameworks like discord.js

Describe the bug
When I use the onMessage() or onNotification() event it returns the following error:
Something went wrong: Negotiate Unknown

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Add this code:
    const notification = noblox.onNotification()
    notification.on("data", function(data) {
    console.log("New notification! ", data)
    notification.on("error", function(err) {
    console.error("Something went wrong: ", err)
    // Handle error as needed
    or add this:
    const notification = rbxbot.onNotification()
    notification.on("data", function(data) {
    console.log("New notification! ", data)
    notification.on("error", function(err) {
    console.error("Something went wrong: ", err)
    // Handle error as needed
  2. Now run the bot.
  3. See error
  4. Try sending a PM to the bot.
  5. Nothing happens.

Expected behavior
It is supposed to log the data received from a notification or message to the console.


Could you identify if Roblox has updated their notification protocol?

Idk if they did or not?
The API returns 503

However, they do have a API Idk if that will work with PM messages. has been deprecated and now removed. The package should be switched to use with the @microsoft/signalr package. has been deprecated and now removed. The package should be switched to use with the @microsoft/signalr package.

How would I edit the file to make it work?

Issue has been fixed. I updated the onNotification file:
`// Dependencies
const signalR = require('@microsoft/signalr')
const events = require('events')

// Includes
const getSession = require('../util/getSession.js').func
const settings = require('../../settings.json')

// Args
exports.optional = ['jar']

// Docs

  • 🔐 An event for when you get a notification.
  • @category Client
  • @alias onNotification
  • @returns An EventEmitter that emits when you get a notification.
  • @example const noblox = require("noblox.js")
  • // Login using your cookie
  • const notification = noblox.onNotification()
  • notification.on("data", function(data) {
  • console.log("New notification! ", data)
  • })
  • notification.on("error", function(err) {
  • console.error("Something went wrong: ", err)
  • // Handle error as needed
  • })

// Define
exports.func = function (args) {
const max = settings.event.maxRetries
const notifications = new events.EventEmitter()
function connect (retries) {
if (typeof args.jar === 'string') {
args.jar = { session: args.jar }
const session = getSession({ jar: args.jar })
let userNotificationConnection = null;

userNotificationConnection = new signalR.HubConnectionBuilder()
  .withUrl('', {
    transport: signalR.HttpTransportType.WebSockets,
    skipNegotiation: true,
    headers: {
      Cookie: '.ROBLOSECURITY=' + session + ';'

  userNotificationConnection.on('notification', function(name, message) {
    notifications.emit('data', name, JSON.parse(message))

  notifications.on('close', userNotificationConnection.stop)

  userNotificationConnection.disconnected = function (err) {
    notifications.emit('error', new Error('Connection failed: ' + err.message))
    if (retries !== -1) {
      if (retries > max) {
        notifications.emit('close', new Error('Max retries reached'))
      } else {
        setTimeout(connect, 5000, retries + 1)

  userNotificationConnection.error = function (err) {
    notifications.emit('error', err)

  userNotificationConnection.connected = function(connection) {
    notifications.emit('connect', connection)

  userNotificationConnection.reconnecting = function () {
    setTimeout(connect, 5000, 0)
  notifications.emit('error', new Error('Lost connection, reconnecting'))
  return true // Abort reconnection


return notifications