
--follow-mode is not working for a single file input

llagerlof opened this issue ยท 6 comments

I created a file test.txt and executed:

$ ov --follow-mode test.txt

In another terminal I kept adding content to test.txt (and saving it, of course), but the text in ov's terminal was not updating.

Thanks for trying.
It doesn't work in all cases. If I tried it, it's working.
I would like to know more about the environment and methods.

I would like to know more about the environment and methods.

I am using bash 5.2.9 on gnome-terminal. The distro is Fedora 36.

I tried the test mentioned above inside tmux using two panes and outside tmux using two console windows. Same result.

Thank you.
Are you editing with vi or the like?
In that case, wouldn't tail -f test.txt not work as well (tail -F test.txt would work)?
I think it also works if you put "set nobk" in your .virc.

Currently tail -F equivalent functions are not supported.
I will consider it in the future. Thank you!

Wow, I didn't knew that, Yes, I was using vim. tail -f don't work, but but tail -F work.


Implemented --follow-name in v0.20.0.

I officially released v0.30.0. This has been resolved.