Add a real time raid guide.
noccu opened this issue · 3 comments
For newer players and hard raids like UBHL, Akasha, and the promised focus on new HL content this year.
Displays info on triggers and notes on gameplay based on current raid status.
The idea is to create a very simple data set with name, general advice/reminders (short), triggers & ougis, their activation requirements (HP, OD/N, (de)buffs maybe), and specific notes.
Then display relevant data in a new UI panel, updating as required.
For the extra mile; some form of colour warnings for (de)buffs and particularly bad triggers could be fun.
A simple block data structure should suffice but none in particular is yet set.
any news on this I was planning on requesting the same Idea but instead just pull out the Raid page that I'm currently running.
I'm having a busy time and am not actively playing anymore either so development is slow at best for now. A few bits and pieces are already in the code, but I've not sat down to think about the details. I don't think it should be too hard for anyone interested to complete this however.