
can i get the undo/redo’s data,then i can reload it when the sequence reload again;

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can i get the undo/redo’s data,then i can reload it when the sequence reload again;
b4rtaz commented

can i get the undo/redo’s data

The stack is not exposed. Why you need it?

then i can reload it when the sequence reload again

I don't understand this part.

can i get the undo/redo’s data

The stack is not exposed. Why you need it?

then i can reload it when the sequence reload again

I don't understand this part.

when i design my biz sequence,sometime i need save the sequence in tmp archive, the next time i load the tmp archive sequence maybe i undo/redo data ;

Hello! This feature is available from the 0.16.4 version. Here is how to use it: