
Docs are broken ๐Ÿ˜ญ

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Hello @paustint! Could you share a URL or you are experiencing this problem on the whole website? I cannot reproduce this problem.

Seems fine now - but it was the home page

Hit the docs again and seeing the issue. When I hard refresh the error goes away.

Only seems to happen when I click to open the link in a new tab (e.x. right click link in prior post and choose open in a new window



I was able to reproduce it, the game of life background on the home page crashes when the screen size is too large, making the browser window smaller fixes it.

Canvas size of 2545x1261 crashes.

Thanks @paustint for reporting.

Thanks @dmx-patrick for your suggestion. Unfortunately, if I set width=2545 and height=1261 in the code I cannot reproduce the problem. But maybe I've found the problem in the other place. Could you check it now guys?

@b4rtaz Error still happens.

It is the line,, ...e) that is throwing the error when the array size of e is too large. Could be browser specific (tested with Chrome and Edge).

You can replicate the error inn the console with:

s = 125242
a = new Array(s).fill(0);
b = new Array(s).fill(0);
a.splice(0, a.length, ...b)

When s < 125242 it works, 125242 and higher throws the error.

Why not just = e? Removing all items and pushing new items in it is not very effective, just replacing the data with the new array should be more effective.

@dmx-patrick nice catch! I've replaced this line by = nextData; as you suggested. The changes are deployed, you may check it.

@b4rtaz no more crash, seems to work fine now.

@dmx-patrick thanks for help!

Works for me too now - cheers to my coworker @dmx-patrick for solving the mystery ๐Ÿ˜€