
Cannot use sequential-workflow-designer-react with React 17 and lower

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Install the package in a project that uses React 17 or lower versions.
  2. Import and use the package components in a React component.
  3. Attempt to build or run the project.

Expected Behavior:
I expect the package to work seamlessly with React 17 and lower versions without encountering any errors related to 'react-dom/client.'

Actual Behavior:

Module not found: Can't resolve 'react-dom/client' in '.../node_modules/sequential-workflow-designer-react/lib/esm'

The error message mentioned above is preventing me from using the package effectively with React 17 and lower versions.

Additional Information:
I have tried the following troubleshooting steps, but the issue persists:

  • Checked for the presence of 'react' and 'react-dom' in my project's dependencies.
  • Ensured that my webpack configuration is correctly set up to resolve React and ReactDOM.
  • Restarted my development server.

Please let me know if there are any specific configurations or changes I can make to resolve this issue, or if an update to the package is needed to support React 17 and lower versions.

Thank you for your assistance.

Hello @ant066!

The sequential-workflow-designer-react doesn't support React 17, the minimal version is 18. We don't have a plan to support older versions.

But that's what you can do is copy all files from the package to your repository and adjust it to the version 17.


I forked the React repository to this: For anyone who wants to use this with React v17, you can install the package sequential-workflow-designer-react-17