
link-hint--find-property-with-value: Args out of range

tshu-w opened this issue · 27 comments

I often encounter this error in *mu4e-view*, I'm not sure whether I should report to mu4e or here, but ace-link works fine before I switch to link-hint. If you need more info, please tell me.

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (args-out-of-range 3939 5294)
  text-property-any(3939 5294 invisible nil)
  link-hint--find-property-with-value(invisible nil 3939 nil)
  link-hint--find-property(invisible 3939 nil)
  link-hint--find-visible-regions(3939 5278)

This is a link-hint issue. Maybe window-max can be more than point-max.. When this happens, can you evaluate (window-max) and (point-max) and let me know the value of each?

@noctuid I will check them the next time I meet this issue.

@noctuid void-function for window-max?
GNU Emacs 28.0.50 (build 1, x86_64-apple-darwin20.3.0, NS appkit-2022.30 Version 11.2.3 (Build 20D91)) of 2021-03-12

I think I'm hitting the same bug, in my case from Org agenda. I have a frustratingly unhelpful data point to add: this seems to be a "Heisenbug", one that only occurs when you're not looking closely. Why? Because if I edebug-instrument link-hint--one, which gets called with :open as in @tshu-w stacktrace above, then ... it works! All I have to do is hit g (run) when it breaks into edebug. No error, hints appear and I can select one, and the associated action takes effect. If I then un-instrument link-hint--one, the error returns. Emacs 26.1, link-hint 0.1 (20210410.1506), Org 9.4.6, on Linux Mint Debian Edition 3.

Edit: I also get void-function for window-max

Edit: In case you mean window-end, it's smaller by an order of magnitude than point-max.

Yeah, I meant window-end. I'm not really sure what the issue is. It looks like in both cases it's happening in a non-file-visiting buffer. Is this easy for you to replicate? Can you provide a minimal org file and agenda command to reproduce?

@noctuid I can't reproduce it for now, next time I will provide the buffer content, @PhilHudson can you reproduce it stably?

@tshu-w From the Org agenda I get the identical stacktrace to you (apart from argument values).

If I run emacs -Q, set org-agenda-files to just my file and eval (require 'link-hint) and (require avy), then link-hint-open-link runs correctly. So something about my hugely complex setup is interfering.

Here's the value of features in my fully-loaded and running Emacs:

@PhilHudson I can't reproduce it on my end, so if you can reproduce it consistently you can dichotomize your configuration or org-agenda content when you have time. Or wait until I next encounter.

I have a good-enough work-around, which is the way I used to do it before link-hint: navigate using org-next-link/org-prev-link, which I have bound to C-M-n and C-M-p, and then use org-agenda-open-link (C-c C-o), so, much as I wish I could continue using link-hint, I can't currently justify dedicating more time to this. Thanks to both of you for your diligence.

One last data point: it does not appear to be anything to do with no-file buffers, as I get the same error in my

I find it hard to reproduce, when I save the buffer of mu4e-view, it becomes plain text and when I open the email again, I usually don't have the problem again 😂.

I try to find the original file content, but I don't know how to view it in mu4e-view

Got it, I think. Got something, anyway: it's the time grid. If I either scroll the time grid off the top of the window, or toggle the time grid off, then link-hint works.

Thanks, I'll look into it when I get a chance.

Unfortunately, I couldn't replicate. Can you give me a dummy agenda file or more information? I tried having the time grid at various positions in the window (even the entire window as a time grid) and didn't encounter the error. Also tried with different scroll settings and mouse scrolling. How big is your agenda size relative to the buffer?

That said, I did encounter this error for the first time in an embark collect buffer, so I will also try to replicate that (so far no luck).

Sorry, I don't have a stable reproduction method either, but I still encounter it frequently when reading emails with mu4e

@PhilHudson Thx for your information, I will keep my eyes on it.

Here's a reproductible recipe on emacs 28.60

(require 'link-hint)

;; eventually test multiple window setup
;; (package-menu-describe-package)

I still missing this issue, I got following *Backtrace*, but If I M-: link-hint--collect-visible-links everything work fine.

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (args-out-of-range 1 1020)
  text-property-any(1 1020 invisible nil)
  link-hint--find-property-with-value(invisible nil 1 nil)
  link-hint--find-property(invisible 1 nil)
  link-hint--find-visible-regions(1 954)
  #<subr funcall-interactively>(link-hint-open-link)
  apply(#<subr funcall-interactively> link-hint-open-link)
  #<subr call-interactively>(link-hint-open-link nil nil)
  apply(#<subr call-interactively> (link-hint-open-link nil nil))
  explain-pause--wrap-call-interactively(#<subr call-interactively> link-hint-open-link nil nil)
  apply(explain-pause--wrap-call-interactively #<subr call-interactively> (link-hint-open-link nil nil))
  call-interactively(link-hint-open-link nil nil)

Here is the script that allows to consistently reproduce the bug (at least on my machine).
GNU Emacs 28.0.90 (build 1, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.24.30, cairo version 1.17.4) of 2021-12-24 commit 04be23f19f6d1290906d2a392a05c58703ea76c5 on the branch emacs-28.


;; -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-

;; Change these to your actual locations
(add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/straight/build/avy/"))
(add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/straight/build/link-hint/"))

(require 'link-hint)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-;") #'link-hint-open-link)

(customize-group "recentf")

(cl-loop for i from 1 to 200 do (message "Filler message #%s" i))

;; Switch to the *Messages* buffer and position point at the very bottom
(other-window 1)
(recenter-top-bottom -1)

;; Return focus to the Customize buffer
(other-window 1)

(setq debug-on-error t)

;; This may trigger the heisenbug right away, or you will need to call the
;; link-hint command 2-3 more times. Use C-; C-g rinse and repeat :)

Steps to reproduce

  1. Save the above snippet somewhere on your disk, for example as ~/bug.el.
  2. Edit the load-path definition at the beginning of the saved file.
  3. Run Emacs like the following: emacs -Q -l ~/bug.el
  4. The bug might or might not manifest itself right away. If not, try to activate-then-cancel the link-hint-open-link via C-; C-g or C-; ESC several times.

More info

The bug seems to manifest itself when the window scroll is somehow triggered during the collection of candidate links, thus rendering some of them off-screen.

Also, I noticed the echo area resize was triggered as well.

@madand Nice job! This also reproduce on my side. Both emacs 28 and 29

Great, thanks! Please test that this works. I had suspected this might be caused by #36 but had either rejected the idea for some reason or not made the change since there was no way for me to test it. I will go through the remaining window-end calls and remove them if possible or have them calculate the up-to-date value to prevent other issues like this (as part of #36).

676dac6 works.

Great. There are some cases where there could still be similar issues. If you get a chance, please test #203. It should fix any similar issues. I will use it for a bit to make sure everything is still working correctly and then merge.

@noctuid I have switched to this branch to check whether everything is working correctly.

after a month use of #203, I don't find any issue.

I didn't see issues either. Merged.