
Support for block floating point (bfp16)

newling opened this issue · 0 comments

There are 2 kinds of bfp16 number formats which AIE2p supports (as announced at computex 2024..). They are exponent:mantissa ratios of 1:8 and 1:16.

We need to support this at multiple levels.


  • CPU emulation (will we be able to run with llvm-cpu backend?)
  • storage formats
  • etc.

In iree-amd-aie:

  • exponent and mantissa now separate tensors to be tiled, and moved through DMAs separately.

In peano:

  • general support

In numpy and C++:

  • You wish!

Realistically we might not get all of this for quite a long time, so ideas on prioritization are welcome here. Please feel free to modify this task