
Typesetting problems when printing?

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請問是否能讓兩QRcode 對齊列印?

目前可能不行,我正在开发一个新的打印模式,标签打印的内容将完全由 HTML+CSS 来进行定制,所以理论上我们能实现任何的打印样式。流程大概如下:

  1. render dom
  2. capture dom
  3. printing


Currently is not. I'm working on a new workflow that prints the receipt. HTML+CSS will customize the content. Theoretically, we can print anything that we want. The workflow is like this:

  1. render dom
  2. capture dom
  3. printing

I'm working in my full-time occupation busily. So the progress is slow, And any sponsorship will encourage me to work more actively in the open-source community.