
Release with Typings?

drewdaemon opened this issue Β· 17 comments

I see typings in the current version of the repository, but not when I install from NPM. What is the timeline for a release that includes typings?

@Richienb would it be possible to get a release published to npm? ☺️

@bitinn Can you create a new release of fetch-blob or give me publish perms?

If you need another maintainer I would be happy to step up and help as well! I believe that we already maintain one or two packes together? πŸ˜„ (md5-file comes to mind) I also maintain some similar packages @canvas/image & @canvas/image-data which are Node.js versions of Image and ImageData...

Sure! We are looking for a bunch of reviewers to help maintain everything in this org, especially node-fetch. I've sent an invite.

Awesome, accepted!

@Richienb same with node-fetch, I have added @xxczaki @jimmywarting to npm owner list.

fyi, i see that slice is missing in d.ts

@bitinn Did you add xxczaki to npm owner list? Because my npm username is akepinski and I don't seem to have the owner permissions 😒

@jimmywarting cool catch, that's why I added you

@xxczaki it's funny, I added you before I add jimmy, both returns success, but when I query only jimmy's owner permission got added (there is also response caching in the mix).

I am adding your name again, it seems to go through now :)

hmm, but if it extends Blob then maybe size, slice and type isn't needed after all...

@jimmywarting yeah, slice etc. will be included from here:

edit: actually, we should probably remove the duplicates πŸ€”

actually, we should probably remove the duplicates πŸ€”

was thinking the same

Personally, I think that this approach is the best: #38

It would be great if we could look at it before cutting a release with typings, since after that it would be a breaking change ☺️

@xxczaki Can you create a new release?

Thanks everyone. Super helpful.

I just tried npm i --save-dev @types/fetch-blob as suggested to use import blobFrom from "fetch-blob/from.js"; instead of const blobFrom = require("fetch-blob/from.js"); and it didn't find anything.. is this correct?