
Aliyun OSS(Object Storage Service) Node.js Client

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


NPM version Node.js CI coverage

Alibaba cloud OSS(Object Storage Service) Node.js Client.


npm install oss-client



OSS Usage

OSS, Object Storage Service. Equal to well known Amazon S3.

All operation use es7 async/await to implement. All api is async function.


Node.js Usage


  • Node.js >= 16.0.0
  • urllib >= 3.0.0

Basic usage

  1. install SDK using npm
npm install oss-client
  1. for example:


const { OSSObject } = require('oss-client');
const ossObject = new OSSObject({
  region: '<oss region>',
  endpoint: '<oss endpoint>',
  accessKeyId: '<Your accessKeyId>',
  accessKeySecret: '<Your accessKeySecret>',
  bucket: '<Your bucket name>'

TypeScript and ESM

import { OSSObject } from 'oss-client';

const ossObject = new OSSObject({
  region: '<oss region>',
  endpoint: '<oss endpoint>',
  accessKeyId: '<Your accessKeyId>',
  accessKeySecret: '<Your accessKeySecret>',
  bucket: '<Your bucket name>'

Data Regions

OSS current data regions.

Create Account

Go to OSS website, create a new account for new user.

After account created, you can create the OSS instance and get the accessKeyId and accessKeySecret.

Create A Bucket Instance

Each OSS instance required accessKeyId, accessKeySecret and bucket.

new OSSObject(options)

Create a Bucket store instance.


  • accessKeyId {String} access key you create on aliyun console website
  • accessKeySecret {String} access secret you create
  • [bucket] {String} the default bucket you want to access
  • [endpoint] {String} oss region domain. It takes priority over region. Set as extranet domain name, intranet domain name, accelerated domain name, etc. according to different needs. please see endpoints
  • [region] {String} the bucket data region location, please see Data Regions, default is oss-cn-hangzhou.
  • [internal] {Boolean} access OSS with aliyun internal network or not, default is false. If your servers are running on aliyun too, you can set true to save lot of money.
  • [timeout] {String|Number} instance level timeout for all operations, default is 60s.
  • [isRequestPay] {Boolean}, default false, whether request payer function of the bucket is open, if true, will send headers 'x-oss-request-payer': 'requester' to oss server. the details you can see requestPay


  1. basic usage
const { OSSObject } = require('oss-client');

const store = new OSSObject({
  accessKeyId: 'your access key',
  accessKeySecret: 'your access secret',
  bucket: 'your bucket name',
  region: 'oss-cn-hangzhou',
  1. use accelerate endpoint
  • Global accelerate endpoint: oss-accelerate.aliyuncs.com
  • Accelerate endpoint of regions outside mainland China: oss-accelerate-overseas.aliyuncs.com
const { OSSObject } = require('oss-client');

const store = new OSSObject({
  accessKeyId: 'your access key',
  accessKeySecret: 'your access secret',
  bucket: 'your bucket name',
  endpoint: 'https://oss-accelerate.aliyuncs.com',
  1. use custom domain

See https://help.aliyun.com/zh/oss/user-guide/map-custom-domain-names-5

const { OSSObject } = require('oss-client');

const store = new OSSObject({
  accessKeyId: 'your access key',
  accessKeySecret: 'your access secret',
  cname: true,
  // your custom domain endpoint
  endpoint: 'https://my-static.domain.com',

Object Operations

All operations function return Promise, except signatureUrl.

.put(name, file[, options])

Add an object to the bucket.


  • name {String} object name store on OSS
  • file {String|Buffer|ReadStream} object local path, content buffer or ReadStream content instance use in Node, Blob and html5 File
  • [options] {Object} optional parameters
    • [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout

    • [mime] {String} custom mime, will send with Content-Type entity header

    • [meta] {Object} user meta, will send with x-oss-meta- prefix string e.g.: { uid: 123, pid: 110 }

    • [callback] {Object} The callback parameter is composed of a JSON string encoded in Base64,detail see

      • url {String} After a file is uploaded successfully, the OSS sends a callback request to this URL.

      • [host] {String} The host header value for initiating callback requests.

      • body {String} The value of the request body when a callback is initiated, for example, key=${key}&etag=${etag}&my_var=${x:my_var}.

      • [contentType] {String} The Content-Type of the callback requests initiatiated, It supports application/x-www-form-urlencoded and application/json, and the former is the default value.

      • [customValue] {Object} Custom parameters are a map of key-values

           var customValue = {var1: 'value1', var2: 'value2'}
    • [headers] {Object} extra headers

      • 'Cache-Control' cache control for download, e.g.: Cache-Control: public, no-cache
      • 'Content-Disposition' object name for download, e.g.: Content-Disposition: somename
      • 'Content-Encoding' object content encoding for download, e.g.: Content-Encoding: gzip
      • 'Expires' expires time for download, an absolute date and time. e.g.: Tue, 08 Dec 2020 13:49:43 GMT
      • See more: PutObject

Success will return the object information.


  • name {String} object name
  • data {Object} callback server response data, sdk use JSON.parse() return
  • res {Object} response info, including
    • status {Number} response status
    • headers {Object} response headers
    • size {Number} response size
    • rt {Number} request total use time (ms)


  • Add an object through local file path
const filepath = '/home/ossdemo/demo.txt';
store.put('ossdemo/demo.txt', filepath).then((result) => {

  name: 'ossdemo/demo.txt',
  res: {
    status: 200,
    headers: {
      date: 'Tue, 17 Feb 2015 13:28:17 GMT',
      'content-length': '0',
      connection: 'close',
      etag: '"BF7A03DA01440845BC5D487B369BC168"',
      server: 'AliyunOSS',
      'x-oss-request-id': '54E341F1707AA0275E829244'
    size: 0,
    rt: 92
  • Add an object through content buffer
store.put('ossdemo/buffer', Buffer.from('foo content')).then((result) => {

  name: 'ossdemo/buffer',
  url: 'http://demo.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/ossdemo/buffer',
  res: {
    status: 200,
    headers: {
      date: 'Tue, 17 Feb 2015 13:28:17 GMT',
      'content-length': '0',
      connection: 'close',
      etag: '"xxx"',
      server: 'AliyunOSS',
      'x-oss-request-id': '54E341F1707AA0275E829243'
    size: 0,
    rt: 92
  • Add an object through readstream
const filepath = '/home/ossdemo/demo.txt';
store.put('ossdemo/readstream.txt', fs.createReadStream(filepath)).then((result) => {

  name: 'ossdemo/readstream.txt',
  url: 'http://demo.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/ossdemo/readstream.txt',
  res: {
    status: 200,
    headers: {
      date: 'Tue, 17 Feb 2015 13:28:17 GMT',
      'content-length': '0',
      connection: 'close',
      etag: '"BF7A03DA01440845BC5D487B369BC168"',
      server: 'AliyunOSS',
      'x-oss-request-id': '54E341F1707AA0275E829242'
    size: 0,
    rt: 92

.putStream(name, stream[, options])

Add a stream object to the bucket.


  • name {String} object name store on OSS
  • stream {ReadStream} object ReadStream content instance
  • [options] {Object} optional parameters
    • [contentLength] {Number} the stream length, chunked encoding will be used if absent

    • [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout

    • [mime] {String} custom mime, will send with Content-Type entity header

    • [meta] {Object} user meta, will send with x-oss-meta- prefix string e.g.: { uid: 123, pid: 110 }

    • [callback] {Object} The callback parameter is composed of a JSON string encoded in Base64,detail see

      • url {String} After a file is uploaded successfully, the OSS sends a callback request to this URL.

      • [host] {String} The host header value for initiating callback requests.

      • body {String} The value of the request body when a callback is initiated, for example, key=${key}&etag=${etag}&my_var=${x:my_var}.

      • [contentType] {String} The Content-Type of the callback requests initiatiated, It supports application/x-www-form-urlencoded and application/json, and the former is the default value.

      • [customValue] {Object} Custom parameters are a map of key-values

           var customValue = {var1: 'value1', var2: 'value2'}
    • [headers] {Object} extra headers, detail see RFC 2616

      • 'Cache-Control' cache control for download, e.g.: Cache-Control: public, no-cache
      • 'Content-Disposition' object name for download, e.g.: Content-Disposition: somename
      • 'Content-Encoding' object content encoding for download, e.g.: Content-Encoding: gzip
      • 'Expires' expires time for download, an absolute date and time. e.g.: Tue, 08 Dec 2020 13:49:43 GMT

Success will return the object information.


  • name {String} object name
  • res {Object} response info, including
    • status {Number} response status
    • headers {Object} response headers
    • size {Number} response size
    • rt {Number} request total use time (ms)


  • Add an object through readstream
const filepath = '/home/ossdemo/demo.txt';
store.putStream('ossdemo/readstream.txt', fs.createReadStream(filepath)).then((result) => {

  name: 'ossdemo/readstream.txt',
  url: 'http://demo.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/ossdemo/readstream.txt',
  res: {
    status: 200,
    headers: {
      date: 'Tue, 17 Feb 2015 13:28:17 GMT',
      'content-length': '0',
      connection: 'close',
      etag: '"BF7A03DA01440845BC5D487B369BC168"',
      server: 'AliyunOSS',
      'x-oss-request-id': '54E341F1707AA0275E829242'
    size: 0,
    rt: 92

.append(name, file[, options])

Append an object to the bucket, it's almost same as put, but it can add content to existing object rather than override it.

All parameters are same as put except for options.position

  • name {String} object name store on OSS
  • file {String|Buffer|ReadStream} object local path, content buffer or ReadStream content instance
  • [options] {Object} optional parameters
    • [position] {String} specify the position which is the content length of the latest object
    • [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout
    • [mime] {String} custom mime, will send with Content-Type entity header
    • [meta] {Object} user meta, will send with x-oss-meta- prefix string e.g.: { uid: 123, pid: 110 }
    • [headers] {Object} extra headers, detail see RFC 2616
      • 'Cache-Control' cache control for download, e.g.: Cache-Control: public, no-cache
      • 'Content-Disposition' object name for download, e.g.: Content-Disposition: somename
      • 'Content-Encoding' object content encoding for download, e.g.: Content-Encoding: gzip
      • 'Expires' expires time for download, an absolute date and time. e.g.: Tue, 08 Dec 2020 13:49:43 GMT


  • name {String} object name
  • url {String} the url of oss
  • res {Object} response info, including
    • status {Number} response status
    • headers {Object} response headers
    • size {Number} response size
    • rt {Number} request total use time (ms)
  • nextAppendPosition {String} the next position


let object = await store.append('ossdemo/buffer', Buffer.from('foo'));

// append content to the existing object
object = await store.append('ossdemo/buffer', Buffer.from('bar'), {
  position: object.nextAppendPosition,

.generateObjectUrl(name[, baseUrl])

Get the Object url. If provide baseUrl, will use baseUrl instead the default bucket and endpoint. Suggest use generateObjectUrl instead of getObjectUrl.


const url = store.generateObjectUrl('foo/bar.jpg');
// cdnUrl should be `https://${bucketname}.${endpotint}foo/bar.jpg`

const cdnUrl = store.generateObjectUrl('foo/bar.jpg', 'https://mycdn.domian.com');
// cdnUrl should be `https://mycdn.domian.com/foo/bar.jpg`

.head(name[, options])

Head an object and get the meta info.


  • name {String} object name store on OSS
  • [options] {Object} optional parameters
    • [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout
    • [versionId] {String} the version id of history object
    • [headers] {Object} extra headers, detail see RFC 2616
      • 'If-Modified-Since' object modified after this time will return 200 and object meta, otherwise return 304 not modified
      • 'If-Unmodified-Since' object modified before this time will return 200 and object meta, otherwise throw PreconditionFailedError
      • 'If-Match' object etag equal this will return 200 and object meta, otherwise throw PreconditionFailedError
      • 'If-None-Match' object etag not equal this will return 200 and object meta, otherwise return 304 not modified

Success will return the object's meta information.


  • status {Number} response status, maybe 200 or 304
  • meta {Object} object user meta, if not set on put(), will return null. If return status 304, meta will be null too
  • res {Object} response info, including
    • status {Number} response status
    • headers {Object} response headers
      • [x-oss-version-id] return in multiversion
    • size {Number} response size
    • rt {Number} request total use time (ms)


  • Head an exists object and get user meta
await this.store.put('ossdemo/head-meta', Buffer.from('foo'), {
  meta: {
    uid: 1,
    path: 'foo/demo.txt'
const object = await this.store.head('ossdemo/head-meta');

  status: 200,
  meta: {
    uid: '1',
    path: 'foo/demo.txt'
  res: { ... }
  • Head a not exists object
const object = await this.store.head('ossdemo/head-meta');
// will throw NoSuchKeyError

.getObjectMeta(name[, options])

Get an object meta info include ETag、Size、LastModified and so on, not return object content.


  • name {String} object name store on OSS
  • [options] {Object} optional parameters
    • [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout
    • [versionId] {String} the version id of history object

Success will return the object's meta information.


  • status {Number} response status
  • res {Object} response info, including
    • headers {Object} response headers


  • Head an exists object and get object meta info
await this.store.put('ossdemo/object-meta', Buffer.from('foo'));
const object = await this.store.getObjectMeta('ossdemo/object-meta');

  status: 200,
  res: { ... }

.get(name[, file, options])

Get an object from the bucket.


  • name {String} object name store on OSS
  • [file] {String|WriteStream} file path or WriteStream instance to store the content If file is null or ignore this parameter, function will return info contains content property.
  • [options] {Object} optional parameters
    • [versionId] {String} the version id of history object
    • [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout
    • [process] {String} image process params, will send with x-oss-process e.g.: {process: 'image/resize,w_200'}
    • [headers] {Object} extra headers, detail see RFC 2616
      • 'Range' get specifying range bytes content, e.g.: Range: bytes=0-9
      • 'If-Modified-Since' object modified after this time will return 200 and object meta, otherwise return 304 not modified
      • 'If-Unmodified-Since' object modified before this time will return 200 and object meta, otherwise throw PreconditionFailedError
      • 'If-Match' object etag equal this will return 200 and object meta, otherwise throw PreconditionFailedError
      • 'If-None-Match' object etag not equal this will return 200 and object meta, otherwise return 304 not modified

Success will return the info contains response.


  • [content] {Buffer} file content buffer if file parameter is null or ignore
  • res {Object} response info, including
    • status {Number} response status
    • headers {Object} response headers
    • size {Number} response size
    • rt {Number} request total use time (ms)

If object not exists, will throw NoSuchKeyError.


  • Get an exists object and store it to the local file
const filepath = '/home/ossdemo/demo.txt';
await store.get('ossdemo/demo.txt', filepath);

_ Store object to a writestream

await store.get('ossdemo/demo.txt', somestream);
  • Get an object content buffer
const result = await store.get('ossdemo/demo.txt');
  • Get a processed image and store it to the local file
const filepath = '/home/ossdemo/demo.png';
await store.get('ossdemo/demo.png', filepath, {process: 'image/resize,w_200'});
  • Get a not exists object
const filepath = '/home/ossdemo/demo.txt';
await store.get('ossdemo/not-exists-demo.txt', filepath);
// will throw NoSuchKeyError
  • Get a historic version object
const filepath = '/home/ossdemo/demo.txt';
const versionId = 'versionId string';
await store.get('ossdemo/not-exists-demo.txt', filepath, {

.getStream(name[, options])

Get an object read stream.


  • name {String} object name store on OSS
  • [options] {Object} optional parameters
    • [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout
    • [process] {String} image process params, will send with x-oss-process
    • [headers] {Object} extra headers
      • 'If-Modified-Since' object modified after this time will return 200 and object meta, otherwise return 304 not modified
      • 'If-Unmodified-Since' object modified before this time will return 200 and object meta, otherwise throw PreconditionFailedError
      • 'If-Match' object etag equal this will return 200 and object meta, otherwise throw PreconditionFailedError
      • 'If-None-Match' object etag not equal this will return 200 and object meta, otherwise return 304 not modified

Success will return the stream instance and response info.


  • stream {ReadStream} readable stream instance if response status is not 200, stream will be null.
  • res {Object} response info, including
    • status {Number} response status
    • headers {Object} response headers
    • size {Number} response size
    • rt {Number} request total use time (ms)

If object not exists, will throw NoSuchKeyError.


  • Get an exists object stream
const result = await store.getStream('ossdemo/demo.txt');
result.stream.pipe(fs.createWriteStream('some file.txt'));

.delete(name[, options])

Delete an object from the bucket.


  • name {String} object name store on OSS
  • [options] {Object} optional parameters
    • [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout
    • [versionId] {String} the version id of history object

Success will return the info contains response.


  • res {Object} response info, including
    • status {Number} response status
    • headers {Object} response headers
    • size {Number} response size
    • rt {Number} request total use time (ms)

If delete object not exists, will also delete success.


  • Delete an exists object
await store.delete('ossdemo/someobject');
  • Delete a not exists object
await store.delete('ossdemo/some-not-exists-object');
  • Delete a history object or deleteMarker
const versionId = 'versionId';
await store.delete('ossdemo/some-not-exists-object', { versionId });

.copy(name, sourceName[, sourceBucket, options])

Copy an object from sourceName to name.


  • name {String} object name store on OSS
  • sourceName {String} source object name
  • [sourceBucket] {String} source Bucket. if doesn't exist,sourceBucket is same bucket.
  • [options] {Object} optional parameters
    • [versionId] {String} the version id of history object
    • [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout
    • [meta] {Object} user meta, will send with x-oss-meta- prefix string e.g.: { uid: 123, pid: 110 } If the meta set, will override the source object meta.
    • [headers] {Object} extra headers
      • 'If-Match' do copy if source object etag equal this, otherwise throw PreconditionFailedError
      • 'If-None-Match' do copy if source object etag not equal this, otherwise throw PreconditionFailedError
      • 'If-Modified-Since' do copy if source object modified after this time, otherwise throw PreconditionFailedError
      • 'If-Unmodified-Since' do copy if source object modified before this time, otherwise throw PreconditionFailedError
      • See more: CopyObject

Success will return the copy result in data property.


  • data {Object} copy result
    • lastModified {String} object last modified GMT string
    • etag {String} object etag contains ", e.g.: "5B3C1A2E053D763E1B002CC607C5A0FE"
  • res {Object} response info, including
    • status {Number} response status
    • headers {Object} response headers
    • size {Number} response size
    • rt {Number} request total use time (ms)

If source object not exists, will throw NoSuchKeyError.


  • Copy same bucket object
store.copy('newName', 'oldName').then((result) => {
  • Copy other bucket object
store.copy('logo.png', 'logo.png', 'other-bucket').then((result) => {
  • Copy historic object
const versionId = 'your verisonId'
store.copy('logo.png', 'logo.png', 'other-bucket', { versionId }).then((result) => {

.putMeta(name, meta[, options])

Set an exists object meta.


  • name {String} object name store on OSS
  • meta {Object} user meta, will send with x-oss-meta- prefix string e.g.: { uid: 123, pid: 110 } If meta: null, will clean up the exists meta
  • [options] {Object} optional parameters
    • [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout

Success will return the putMeta result in data property.

  • data {Object} copy result
    • lastModified {String} object last modified GMT date, e.g.: 2015-02-19T08:39:44.000Z
    • etag {String} object etag contains ", e.g.: "5B3C1A2E053D763E1B002CC607C5A0FE"
  • res {Object} response info, including
    • status {Number} response status
    • headers {Object} response headers
    • size {Number} response size
    • rt {Number} request total use time (ms)

If object not exists, will throw NoSuchKeyError.


  • Update exists object meta
const result = await store.putMeta('ossdemo.txt', {
  uid: 1, pid: 'p123'
  • Clean up object meta
await store.putMeta('ossdemo.txt', null);

.deleteMulti(names[, options])

Delete multi objects in one request.


  • names {Array} object names, max 1000 objects in once.
    • key {String} object name
    • [versionId] {String} the version id of history object or deleteMarker
  • [options] {Object} optional parameters
    • [quiet] {Boolean} quiet mode or verbose mode, default is false, verbose mode quiet mode: if all objects delete succes, return emtpy response. otherwise return delete error object results. verbose mode: return all object delete results.
    • [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout
  • Success will return delete success objects in deleted property.

    • [deleted] {Array} deleted object or deleteMarker info list
      • [Key] {String} object name
      • [VersionId] {String} object versionId
      • [DeleteMarker] {String} generate or delete marker
      • [DeleteMarkerVersionId] {String} marker versionId
    • res {Object} response info, including
      • status {Number} response status
      • headers {Object} response headers
      • size {Number} response size
      • rt {Number} request total use time (ms)
    • example:

      • Delete multi objects in quiet mode
      const result = await store.deleteMulti(['obj1', 'obj2', 'obj3'], {
        quiet: true
      • Delete multi objects in verbose mode
      const result = await store.deleteMulti(['obj1', 'obj2', 'obj3']);
      • Delete multi objects in multiversion
      const obj1 = {
        key: 'key1',
        versionId: 'versionId1'
      const obj2 = {
        key: 'key2',
        versionId: 'versionId2'
      const result = await store.deleteMulti([obj1, obj2]);

      .list(query[, options])

      List objects in the bucket.


      • [query] {Object} query parameters, default is null
        • [prefix] {String} search object using prefix key
        • [marker] {String} search start from marker, including marker key
        • [delimiter] {String} delimiter search scope e.g. / only search current dir, not including subdir
        • [max-keys] {String|Number} max objects, default is 100, limit to 1000
      • [options] {Object} optional parameters
        • [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout

      Success will return objects list on objects properties.

      • objects {Array} object meta info list Each ObjectMeta will contains blow properties:
        • name {String} object name on oss
        • lastModified {String} object last modified GMT date, e.g.: 2015-02-19T08:39:44.000Z
        • etag {String} object etag contains ", e.g.: "5B3C1A2E053D763E1B002CC607C5A0FE"
        • type {String} object type, e.g.: Normal
        • size {Number} object size, e.g.: 344606
        • storageClass {String} storage class type, e.g.: Standard
        • owner {Object} object owner, including id and displayName
      • prefixes {Array} prefix list
      • isTruncated {Boolean} truncate or not
      • nextMarker {String} next marker string
      • res {Object} response info, including
        • status {Number} response status
        • headers {Object} response headers
        • size {Number} response size
        • rt {Number} request total use time (ms)


      • List top 10 objects
      const result = await store.list();
      • List fun/ dir including subdirs objects
      const result = await store.list({
        prefix: 'fun/'
      • List fun/ dir objects, not including subdirs
      const result = await store.list({
        prefix: 'fun/',
        delimiter: '/'

      .listV2(query[, options])

      List objects in the bucket.(recommended)


      • [query] {Object} query parameters, default is null
        • [prefix] {String} search object using prefix key
        • [continuation-token] (continuationToken) {String} search start from continuationToken, including continuationToken key
        • [delimiter] {String} delimiter search scope e.g. / only search current dir, not including subdir
        • [max-keys] {String|Number} max objects, default is 100, limit to 1000
        • [start-after] {String} specifies the Start-after value from which to start the list. The names of objects are returned in alphabetical order.
        • [fetch-owner] {Boolean} specifies whether to include the owner information in the response.
      • [options] {Object} optional parameters
        • [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout

      Success will return objects list on objects properties.

      • objects {Array} object meta info list Each ObjectMeta will contains blow properties:

        • name {String} object name on oss
        • url {String} resource url
        • lastModified {String} object last modified GMT date, e.g.: 2015-02-19T08:39:44.000Z
        • etag {String} object etag contains ", e.g.: "5B3C1A2E053D763E1B002CC607C5A0FE"
        • type {String} object type, e.g.: Normal
        • size {Number} object size, e.g.: 344606
        • storageClass {String} storage class type, e.g.: Standard
        • owner {Object|null} object owner, including id and displayName
      • prefixes {Array} prefix list

      • isTruncated {Boolean} truncate or not

      • nextContinuationToken {String} next continuation-token string

      • keyCount {Number} The number of keys returned for this request. If Delimiter is specified, KeyCount is the sum of the elements in Key and CommonPrefixes.

      • res {Object} response info, including

        • status {Number} response status
        • headers {Object} response headers
        • size {Number} response size
        • rt {Number} request total use time (ms)
      • List top 10 objects

      const result = await store.listV2({
        'max-keys': 10
      • List fun/ dir including subdirs objects
      const result = await store.listV2({
        prefix: 'fun/'
      • List fun/ dir objects, not including subdirs
      const result = await store.listV2({
        prefix: 'fun/',
        delimiter: '/'
      • List a/ dir objects, after a/b and not include a/b
      const result = await store.listV2({
        delimiter: '/',
        prefix: 'a/',
        'start-after': 'a/b'

      .getBucketVersions(query[, options])

      List the version information of all objects in the bucket, including the delete marker (Delete Marker).


      • [query] {Object} query parameters, default is null
        • [prefix] {String} search object using prefix key
        • [versionIdMarker] {String} set the result to return from the version ID marker of the key marker object and sort by the versions
        • [keyMarker] {String} search start from keyMarker, including keyMarker key
        • [encodingType] {String} specifies that the returned content is encoded, and specifies the type of encoding
        • [delimiter] {String} delimiter search scope e.g. / only search current dir, not including subdir
        • [maxKeys] {String|Number} max objects, default is 100, limit to 1000
      • [options] {Object} optional parameters
        • [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout

      Success will return objects list on objects properties.

      • objects {Array} object meta info list Each ObjectMeta will contains blow properties:
        • name {String} object name on oss
        • lastModified {String} object last modified GMT date, e.g.: 2015-02-19T08:39:44.000Z
        • etag {String} object etag contains ", e.g.: "5B3C1A2E053D763E1B002CC607C5A0FE"
        • type {String} object type, e.g.: Normal
        • size {Number} object size, e.g.: 344606
        • isLatest {Boolean}
        • versionId {String} object versionId
        • storageClass {String} storage class type, e.g.: Standard
        • owner {Object} object owner, including id and displayName
      • deleteMarker {Array} object delete marker info list Each ObjectDeleteMarker
        • name {String} object name on oss
        • lastModified {String} object last modified GMT date, e.g.: 2015-02-19T08:39:44.000Z
        • versionId {String} object versionId
      • isTruncated {Boolean} truncate or not
      • nextKeyMarker (nextMarker) {String} next marker string
      • nextVersionIdMarker (NextVersionIdMarker) {String} next version ID marker string
      • res {Object} response info, including
        • status {Number} response status
        • headers {Object} response headers
        • size {Number} response size
        • rt {Number} request total use time (ms)


      • View all versions of objects and deleteMarker of bucket
      const result = await store.getBucketVersions();
      • List from key-marker
      const result = await store.getBucketVersions({
        'keyMarker': 'keyMarker'
      • List from the version-id-marker of key-marker
      const result = await store.getBucketVersions({
        'versionIdMarker': 'versionIdMarker',
        'keyMarker': 'keyMarker'

      .signatureUrl(name[, options])

      Create a signature url for download or upload object. When you put object with signatureUrl ,you need to pass Content-Type.Please look at the example.


      • name {String} object name store on OSS
      • [options] {Object} optional parameters
        • [expires] {Number} after expires seconds, the url will become invalid, default is 1800
        • [method] {String} the HTTP method, default is 'GET'
        • [Content-Type] {String} set the request content type
        • [process] {String} image process params, will send with x-oss-process e.g.: {process: 'image/resize,w_200'}
        • [trafficLimit] {Number} traffic limit, range: 819200~838860800.
        • [subResource] {Object} additional signature parameters in url.
        • [response] {Object} set the response headers for download
        • [callback] {Object} set the callback for the operation
          • url {String} set the url for callback
          • [host] {String} set the host for callback
          • body {String} set the body for callback
          • [contentType] {String} set the type for body
          • [customValue] {Object} set the custom value for callback,eg. {var1: value1,var2:value2}

      Success will return signature url.


      • Get signature url for object
      const url = store.signatureUrl('ossdemo.txt');
      // --------------------------------------------------
      const url = store.signatureUrl('ossdemo.txt', {
        expires: 3600,
        method: 'PUT'
      //  put object with signatureUrl
      // -------------------------------------------------
      const url = store.signatureUrl('ossdemo.txt', {
        expires: 3600,
        method: 'PUT',
        'Content-Type': 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8',
      // --------------------------------------------------
      const url = store.signatureUrl('ossdemo.txt', {
        expires: 3600,
        response: {
          'content-type': 'text/custom',
          'content-disposition': 'attachment'
      // put operation
      • Get a signature url for a processed image
      const url = store.signatureUrl('ossdemo.png', {
        process: 'image/resize,w_200'
      // --------------------------------------------------
      const url = store.signatureUrl('ossdemo.png', {
        expires: 3600,
        process: 'image/resize,w_200'

      .asyncSignatureUrl(name[, options])

      Basically the same as signatureUrl, if refreshSTSToken is configured asyncSignatureUrl will refresh stsToken


      • name {String} object name store on OSS
      • [options] {Object} optional parameters
        • [expires] {Number} after expires seconds, the url will become invalid, default is 1800
        • [method] {String} the HTTP method, default is 'GET'
        • [Content-Type] {String} set the request content type
        • [process] {String} image process params, will send with x-oss-process e.g.: {process: 'image/resize,w_200'}
        • [trafficLimit] {Number} traffic limit, range: 819200~838860800.
        • [subResource] {Object} additional signature parameters in url.
        • [response] {Object} set the response headers for download
        • [callback] {Object} set the callback for the operation
          • url {String} set the url for callback
          • [host] {String} set the host for callback
          • body {String} set the body for callback
          • [contentType] {String} set the type for body
          • [customValue] {Object} set the custom value for callback,eg. {var1: value1,var2:value2}

      Success will return signature url.


      • Get signature url for object
      const url = await store.asyncSignatureUrl('ossdemo.txt');
      // --------------------------------------------------
      const url = await store.asyncSignatureUrl('ossdemo.txt', {
        expires: 3600,
        method: 'PUT'
      //  put object with signatureUrl
      // -------------------------------------------------
      const url = await store.asyncSignatureUrl('ossdemo.txt', {
        expires: 3600,
        method: 'PUT',
        'Content-Type': 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8',
      // --------------------------------------------------
      const url = await store.asyncSignatureUrl('ossdemo.txt', {
        expires: 3600,
        response: {
          'content-type': 'text/custom',
          'content-disposition': 'attachment'
      // put operation
      • Get a signature url for a processed image
      const url = await store.asyncSignatureUrl('ossdemo.png', {
        process: 'image/resize,w_200'
      // --------------------------------------------------
      const url = await store.asyncSignatureUrl('ossdemo.png', {
        expires: 3600,
        process: 'image/resize,w_200'

      .putACL(name, acl[, options])

      Set object's ACL.


      • name {String} object name
      • acl {String} acl (private/public-read/public-read-write)
      • [options] {Object} optional parameters
        • [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout
        • [versionId] {String} the version id of history object

      Success will return:

      • res {Object} response info, including
        • status {Number} response status
        • headers {Object} response headers
        • size {Number} response size
        • rt {Number} request total use time (ms)


      • Set an object's ACL
      await store.putACL('ossdemo.txt', 'public-read');
      • Set an history object's ACL
      const versionId = 'object versionId'
      await store.putACL('ossdemo.txt', 'public-read', {

      .getACL(name[, options])

      Get object's ACL.


      • name {String} object name
      • [options] {Object} optional parameters
        • [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout
        • [versionId] {String} the version id of history object

      Success will return:

      • acl {String} acl settiongs string
      • res {Object} response info, including
        • status {Number} response status
        • headers {Object} response headers
        • size {Number} response size
        • rt {Number} request total use time (ms)


      • Get an object's ACL
      const result = await store.getACL('ossdemo.txt');
      • Get an history object's ACL
      const versionId = 'object versionId'
      const result = await store.getACL('ossdemo.txt', { versionId });

      .restore(name[, options])

      Restore Object.


      • name {String} object name
      • [options] {Object} optional parameters
        • [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout
        • [versionId] {String} the version id of history object
        • [type] {String} the default type is Archive

      Success will return:

      • res {Object} response info, including
        • status {Number} response status
        • headers {Object} response headers
        • size {Number} response size
        • rt {Number} request total use time (ms)


      • Restore an object with Archive type
      const result = await store.restore('ossdemo.txt');
      • Restore an object with ColdArchive type
      const result = await store.restore('ossdemo.txt',{type:'ColdArchive'});
      • Days for unfreezing Specifies the days for unfreezing
      const result = await store.restore('ossdemo.txt',{type:'ColdArchive',Days:2});
      • Restore an history object
      const versionId = 'object versionId';
      const result = await store.restore('ossdemo.txt', { versionId });

      .putSymlink(name, targetName[, options])



      • name {String} object name

      • targetName {String} target object name

      • [options] {Object} optional parameters

        • [storageClass] {String} the storage type include (Standard,IA,Archive)
        • [meta] {Object} user meta, will send with x-oss-meta- prefix string
        • [headers] {Object} extra headers, detail see PutSymlink
      • res {Object} response info, including

        • status {Number} response status
        • headers {Object} response headers
        • size {Number} response size
        • rt {Number} request total use time (ms)


      const options = {
        storageClass: 'IA',
        meta: {
          uid: '1',
          slus: 'test.html'
      const result = await store.putSymlink('ossdemo.txt', 'targetName', options)

      putSymlink multiversion

      const options = {
        storageClass: 'IA',
        meta: {
          uid: '1',
          slus: 'test.html'
      const result = await store.putSymlink('ossdemo.txt', 'targetName', options)

      .getSymlink(name[, options])



      • name {String} object name
      • [options] {Object} optional parameters
      • [versionId] {String} the version id of history object

      Success will return

      • targetName {String} target object name
      • res {Object} response info, including
        • status {Number} response status
        • headers {Object} response headers
        • size {Number} response size
        • rt {Number} request total use time (ms)


      const result = await store.getSymlink('ossdemo.txt')

      for history object

      const versionId = 'object versionId';
      const result = await store.getSymlink('ossdemo.txt', { versionId })


      get postObject params


      • policy {JSON or Object} policy must contain expiration and conditions.

      Success will return postObject Api params.


      • OSSAccessKeyId {String}
      • Signature {String}
      • policy {Object} response info

      .getObjectTagging(name[, options])

      Obtains the tags of an object.


      • name {String} the object name
      • [options] {Object} optional args
        • [versionId] {String} the version id of history object

      Success will return the channel information.


      • tag {Object} the tag of object
      • res {Object} response info

      .putObjectTagging(name, tag[, options])

      Configures or updates the tags of an object.


      • name {String} the object name
      • tag {Object} tag, eg. {var1: value1,var2:value2}
      • [options] {Object} optional args
        • [versionId] {String} the version id of history object

      Success will return the channel information.


      • status {Number} response status
      • res {Object} response info

      .deleteObjectTagging(name[, options])

      Deletes the tag of a specified object.


      • name {String} the object name
      • tag {Object} tag, eg. {var1: value1,var2:value2}
      • [options] {Object} optional args
        • [versionId] {String} the version id of history object

      Success will return the channel information.


      • status {Number} response status
      • res {Object} response info

      .processObjectSave(sourceObject, targetObject, process[, targetBucket])

      Persistency indicates that images are asynchronously stored in the specified Bucket


      • sourceObject {String} source object name
      • targetObject {String} target object name
      • process {String} process string
      • [targetBucket] {String} target bucket

      Success will return the channel information.


      • status {Number} response status
      • res {Object} response info
      const sourceObject = 'a.png'
      const targetObject = 'b.png'
      const process = 'image/watermark,text_aGVsbG8g5Zu+54mH5pyN5Yqh77yB,color_ff6a00'
      await this.store.processObjectSave(sourceObject, targetObject, process);

      Known Errors

      Each error return by OSS server will contains these properties:

      • name {String} error name
      • message {String} error message
      • requestId {String} uuid for this request, if you meet some unhandled problem, you can send this request id to OSS engineer to find out what's happend.
      • hostId {String} OSS cluster name for this request

      The following table lists the OSS error codes:

      More code info

      code status message message in Chinese
      AccessDenied 403 Access Denied 拒绝访问
      BucketAlreadyExists 409 Bucket already exists Bucket 已经存在
      BucketNotEmpty 409 Bucket is not empty Bucket 不为空
      RestoreAlreadyInProgress 409 The restore operation is in progress. restore 操作正在进行中
      OperationNotSupported 400 The operation is not supported for this resource 该资源暂不支持restore操作
      EntityTooLarge 400 Entity too large 实体过大
      EntityTooSmall 400 Entity too small 实体过小
      FileGroupTooLarge 400 File group too large 文件组过大
      InvalidLinkName 400 Link name can't be the same as the object name Object Link 与指向的 Object 同名
      LinkPartNotExist 400 Can't link to not exists object Object Link 中指向的 Object 不存在
      ObjectLinkTooLarge 400 Too many links to this object Object Link 中 Object 个数过多
      FieldItemTooLong 400 Post form fields items too large Post 请求中表单域过大
      FilePartInterity 400 File part has changed 文件 Part 已改变
      FilePartNotExist 400 File part not exists 文件 Part 不存在
      FilePartStale 400 File part stale 文件 Part 过时
      IncorrectNumberOfFilesInPOSTRequest 400 Post request contains invalid number of files Post 请求中文件个数非法
      InvalidArgument 400 Invalid format argument 参数格式错误
      InvalidAccessKeyId 400 Access key id not exists Access Key ID 不存在
      InvalidBucketName 400 Invalid bucket name 无效的 Bucket 名字
      InvalidDigest 400 Invalid digest 无效的摘要
      InvalidEncryptionAlgorithm 400 Invalid encryption algorithm 指定的熵编码加密算法错误
      InvalidObjectName 400 Invalid object name 无效的 Object 名字
      InvalidPart 400 Invalid part 无效的 Part
      InvalidPartOrder 400 Invalid part order 无效的 part 顺序
      InvalidPolicyDocument 400 Invalid policy document 无效的 Policy 文档
      InvalidTargetBucketForLogging 400 Invalid bucket on logging operation Logging 操作中有无效的目标 bucket
      Internal 500 OSS server internal error OSS 内部发生错误
      MalformedXML 400 Malformed XML format XML 格式非法
      MalformedPOSTRequest 400 Invalid post body format Post 请求的 body 格式非法
      MaxPOSTPreDataLengthExceeded 400 Post extra data too large Post 请求上传文件内容之外的 body 过大
      MethodNotAllowed 405 Not allowed method 不支持的方法
      MissingArgument 411 Missing argument 缺少参数
      MissingContentLength 411 Missing Content-Length header 缺少内容长度
      NoSuchBucket 404 Bucket not exists Bucket 不存在
      NoSuchKey 404 Object not exists 文件不存在
      NoSuchUpload 404 Multipart upload id not exists Multipart Upload ID 不存在
      NotImplemented 501 Not implemented 无法处理的方法
      PreconditionFailed 412 Pre condition failed 预处理错误
      RequestTimeTooSkewed 403 Request time exceeds 15 minutes to server time 发起请求的时间和服务器时间超出 15 分钟
      RequestTimeout 400 Request timeout 请求超时
      RequestIsNotMultiPartContent 400 Invalid post content-type Post 请求 content-type 非法
      SignatureDoesNotMatch 403 Invalid signature 签名错误
      TooManyBuckets 400 Too many buckets on this user 用户的 Bucket 数目超过限制
      RequestError -1 network error 网络出现中断或异常
      ConnectionTimeoutError -2 request connect timeout 请求连接超时
      SecurityTokenExpired 403 sts Security Token Expired sts Security Token 超时失效



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