
Chart time ticks on x-axis all zeros after 7th day

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Before you hit that Submit button....

What are the steps to reproduce?

Create a chart and set the x-axis to 7 days duration.
Let node-red run for at least 7 days.

What happens?

All the x-axis labels change from a valid time to 00:00:00

What do you expect to happen?

The labels should show a valid time

Please tell us about your environment:

  • Node-RED-Dashboard version: 3.02
  • Node-RED version: 2.2.3-2 armhf
  • node.js version: 18.15.0-deb1nodesource1 armhf
  • npm version: 9.5.0
  • Platform/OS: Raspberry Pi 3B, Rasperian Bullseye, Kernel 6.1.19-v7+
  • Browser: (On client Windows 10) Brave 1.50.114 Chromium 112.0.5615.49 64-bit



Additional: Attached screen grab from F12 showing that the payload contains the timestamp data.
