
move repo to Github organization

markstos opened this issue · 4 comments

This project is now community-maintained. The original author, @UnbounDev is not involved much.

I'm the primary maintainer, but really I'm just another user who happens to have commit and publish rights. Maintenance is being down by a community of users like @edilson so improved a few things in the most recent release.

With the blessing of @UnbounDev I'd like to create a new Github organization, like node-strava and move the project into that neutral namespace, as a step towards possibly expanding the number of users with commit and release rights. @UnbounDev is welcome to maintain commit access there.

I helped the passport-saml project go through a similar transition and it worked quite well. That project is now more active then it ever has been. It's the #1 SAML library for Node and has made rapid improvements lately with better TypeScript support among other features and bug fixes.

Although Strava has their own Swagger-based client, clearly there is ongoing demand for a Node Strava client that is installable from NPM and works in a more conventional way.

Thank you for making this proposal and maintaining this project, @markstos, I am very grateful to you and the community for extending the project's life.

Please create a neutral space, as you see fit, and move the repository into that space. Please let me know if I can assist in any way.

@UnbounDev I have created a "node-strava" organization and invited you as an owner. The next steps are for you to accept the invitation and initiate the transfer there: Once that's done, you can choose how much want to be involved in the new organization going forward. I also invited @edilson as a recent contributor to join as an organization owner as well.

Alright, this repo has a shiny new home:

Thanks again to you, @markstos and @edilson and all the rest of the community!

Thanks @UnbounDev! As part of this transition, I made a couple of other changes:

  • Renamed master branch to main. Local checkouts will not be automatically updated.
  • Enabled a branch-protection rule for main so for now that a pull request and peer-review is required. My hope is that @edilson will continue to help with maintenance either by submitting PRs or reviewing them. If we end up with a single active maintainer again, we'll have to re-evaluate the mandatory peer-review rule. It may also be useful to set up Slack for private maintainer conversations, but we can consider that another time.