
segment explore endpoint

maxwell-oroark opened this issue · 3 comments

having trouble submitting the bounds argument when trying to use the strava.segment.explore({ bounds: bbox }) endpoint.

submitting an array bbox like the documenation states but it appears it's turning it into a network call with bounds query param multiple times.

@maxwell-oroark You are welcome to add a test to the test suite that confirms if your case represents a bug in this module. Use nock to mock the responses from Strava's API. You'll find a couple examples of it in use in the test suite already. If your test confirms there is a bug in this module, you can provide a pull request to fix the bug as well.

This is the most likely path to the issue being resolved.

@markstos actually, I was trying to JSON.stringify([[lat1, lng2][lat1, lng2]]) but it turns out strava API just wants a comma separated string like "lat1,lng1,lat2,lng2"

You are welcome to submit a patch to our documentation to clarify that. I know a lot of our methods aren't documented, but it would be great to add the input data structures and output response formats.