You use Node.js for speed? You process XML streams? Then you want the fastest XML parser: libexpat!
npm install node-expat
Important events emitted by a parser:
(function () {
"use strict";
var expat = require('node-expat')
var parser = new expat.Parser('UTF-8')
parser.on('startElement', function (name, attrs) {
console.log(name, attrs)
parser.on('endElement', function (name) {
parser.on('text', function (text) {
parser.on('error', function (error) {
parser.write('<html><head><title>Hello World</title></head><body><p>Foobar</p></body></html>')
#on('startElement' function (name, attrs) {})
#on('endElement' function (name) {})
#on('text' function (text) {})
#on('processingInstruction', function (target, data) {})
#on('comment', function (s) {})
#on('xmlDecl', function (version, encoding, standalone) {})
#on('startCdata', function () {})
#on('endCdata', function () {})
#on('entityDecl', function (entityName, isParameterEntity, value, base, systemId, publicId, notationName) {})
#on('error', function (e) {})
We don't emit an error event because libexpat doesn't use a callback
either. Instead, check that parse()
returns true
. A descriptive
string can be obtained via getError()
to provide user feedback.
Alternatively, use the Parser like a node Stream. write()
will emit
error events.
A word about special parsing of xmlns: this is not necessary in a bare SAX parser like this, given that the DOM replacement you are using (if any) is not relevant to the parser.
npm run benchmark
module | ops/sec | native | XML compliant | stream |
sax-js | 99,412 | ☐ | ☑ | ☑ |
node-xml | 130,631 | ☐ | ☑ | ☑ |
libxmljs | 276,136 | ☑ | ☑ | ☐ |
node-expat | 322,769 | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ |
Higher is better.
npm install -g standard
npm test
If you fail to install node-expat as a dependency of node-xmpp, please update node-xmpp as it doesn't use node-expat anymore.
Dependencies for node-gyp
See #78 if you are getting errors about not finding nan.h
VCBUILD : error : project file 'node-expat\build\deps\libexpat\expat.vcproj' was not found or not a valid proj
ect file. [C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\node-expat\build\bin
Install Visual Studio C++ 2012 and run npm with the --msvs_version=2012