
"Mismatching redirect uri" error when using NSS to log into CSS

timbl opened this issue · 5 comments

timbl commented

I get page with

{"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"Mismatching redirect uri"}

and a URI of

when I try to use my NSS-based to log into at

I don't see any cookies for local storage in the Apps tab.

In the network tab, I see 400 response with the JSON body

{"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"Mismatching redirect uri"}

The same thibng happens if i try to load without the #this

timbl commented

I do not have the problem in an incognito browser tab.

@timea-solid updated 2 days ago to NSS@5.7.7 this should resolve the issue
You must clean your browser first.

I just received a report about this error from a person using our app with pod. So, it seems it can still appear occasionally.

Do you know what's causing it? Is there anything we can do (e.g. on app level) besides telling people to clear cookies & local storage, or to use browser's private mode?

Clearing local storage/cookies seems like too much to ask folks without technical background... 😕

Edit: maybe they used their Solid Pod for the first time since May, i can probably ask about that

This issue is related to inrupt/solid-client-authn-js#2891 and fixed in inrupt/solid-client-authn-js v1.17.2 -> the SolidOS team needs to update it in solid-logic.

This issue is related to inrupt/solid-client-authn-js#2891 and fixed in inrupt/solid-client-authn-js v1.17.2 -> the SolidOS team needs to update it in solid-logic.