
Feature Request: solid.auth.register

boulderwebdev opened this issue · 7 comments

It would be nice if there was an API call in solid.auth similar to login where you pass in the URL of an identity provider and you are sent over to their registration page. For example,

await solid.auth.register('')

would redirect you to with the correct query parameters (mainly redirect_uri).

I second the motion

Indeed; depends on solid/solid-spec#138 though.

timbl commented

Please explain the block.

Just to make sure we're on the same page:

  • this issue currently has a label "blocked"
  • that label means "depends on another piece of work being performed first" (so we are blocked from working on this)

The blocking is explained by my comment above: we first need to implement solid/solid-spec#138, such that there is a standard way of discovering the registration page from the IDP URL. The /register convention is non-standard.

If there is already a standard for discovering the registration page, then let's unblock this issue by adding it to the spec and implementing it.

I renamed the label to "has dependency" to remove the confusion (originally seen at

@gibsonf1 kindly pointed out that the necessary API already exists. For instance, shows Hence, there is no blocker indeed.

RECOMMENDED. URL of the OP's Dynamic Client Registration Endpoint [OpenID.Registration].

It is supposed to be used by OAuth2 client applications to dynamically register, not by users to create accounts. For that maybe solid/solid-oidc#77 could come handy.