
Experimental auth upgrade and bundling issue

NSeydoux opened this issue · 1 comments

For context, this issue is filed in order to investigate on an issue happening when upgrading @solid/react to use an upgraded version of solid-auth-client, which wraps @inrupt/solid-auth-fetcher. Currently, the latest version of @inrupt/solid-auth-fetcher on NPM is 0.0.4, but 0.0.5 is ready to be released.

Dependencies overview
│ └──@inrupt/solid-auth-fetcher
│ └─┬─
│ └──@inrupt/solid-auth-fetcher

Description of the issue

0.0.5 fixes a bundler issue with solid-auth-fetcher, but it seems that @solid/react (
has a specific bundler setup that doesn't work with the latest fix for @solid-auth-fetcher. More specifically, it looks like
LDflex has issues with the bundled version of the solid-auth-client fork that wraps solid-auth-fetcher.

To reproduce

  • clone, and checkout branch feature/experimental-auth-upgrade
  • If @inrupt/solid-auth-fetcher@0.0.5 is not on NPM, clone and checkout branch fix/webpack-export-1003. Run npm run build
    • Make sure that the @solid/react dependencies to @inrupt/solid-auth-fetcher resolve to the local version of solid-auth-fetcher, e.g. using verdaccio
  • In react-components
    • npm run build
    • npm run start
  • Open http://localhost:8080/ in a browser

Additional experiments

If the following

useEffect(() => {
    .then(response => response.text())
    .then(data => {

is added under export default function App() {, and import {fetch} from 'solid-auth-client'; is added at the top of the file, the console shows that the fetch worked,
which tends to prove the issue is in the interaction between solid-auth-fetcher and LDflex rather than in the solid-auth-client wrapper.

However, all three LDflex forks show all their tests passing, so it seems to indicate an issue when @solid/react is bundled, rather than a core issue between solid-auth-fetcher and LDflex.

The problem is that @inrupt/solid-react-components use @solid/react, so the current issue blocks upgrading @inrupt/solid-react-components to use @inrupt/solid-auth-fetcher and interact with a backend supporting the new token.

Are there specificities to the way LDflex is bundled/resolves dependencies that we should be aware of ?

The issue was in fact due to a bundling problem that we thought was solved in @inrupt/solid-auth-fetcher@0.0.5, but was in fact only resolved in v0.0.6.