
TypeError: data.replace is not a function

yevgenypats opened this issue · 4 comments

Hey there! found a bug that is reproducible via:

const yaml = require('js-yaml');
yaml.safeLoad(Buffer.from('213c3f000a380080ce6a7b0070e640ef3a20ffa3f6b964a6a26432b46064583a20209be63c3f56ef643dae64c27dcfe474ae646efb7a2600210010a680000024ff1c80ad20fd7f20df1474df3aa7cc00bcdb7fdfd4966810f85dff7d5304006500791817640f798845', 'hex'))

# Thrown:
# TypeError: data.replace is not a function

found via jsfuzz

Input should be string

Gotcha. but isn't safeLoad should validate it or at least it should be in the documentation that the user must validate that the argument to safeLoad is an ascii/utf-8(which one?) string?

here is another exception with a string:

const yaml = require('js-yaml');

TypeError: data.charCodeAt is not a function

Ok, #525.