
Possible pending tails after 1.0.0 release

Closed this issue · 4 comments

If you need one of missed features, just post a message to let us know.

Here we collect features, not included in first release due timeline restrictions or mad by nature

  • .test.* improvements
    • Testing against regex should returm better message (now "false !== true")
    • test.evaluate should show real value when not true
    • check all similar places when details can be lost
    • Probably we could pop useless data from assertion .stack (no need to trace navit internals when users write tests for applications).
  • Option to disable redirects in .open().
    • is it useful?
    • is it possible with SlimerJS

Probably missed methods

  • .fill() for forms, as in CasperJS
    • We don't need it (.type is ok), but probably worth to implement
    • Signature: .do.fill(selector, obj [, submit])
  • .pdf()
  • .get.response()
    • is it useful? We already can get/test separate properties (status, body, headers). Probably, more low lever testing is better to do with supertest and so on.
  • .test.class(selector, name)
  • ? test css style

Would be nice to implement the .fill.

.type('[name="password"]', accounts.regular.password)
.fill('[name="form"]', {
    email   :,
    password: accounts.regular.password
}, true)

The second example is more structural.
And what about forms without any submit buttons?

@monolithed I'd like to get form fill as PR - it does not needs internals change but require some time to implement. If someone decide to help - i will create a ticket to discuss signatures.

Close as outdated & partially done. Therest is in #38