
Archive page not updating

DavidHine opened this issue · 6 comments

Dear nodejh
Thanks very much for creating this theme. I very much like its appearance and the ease of navigation and use by visitors. Well done!

I would like to have the Archive page/section update. All the posts on that page are from 2019 and are of format '.md'. They are also found in the posts directory.

I migrated to this theme a week ago, and have some posts from 2020. They have the extension .Rmd. After build_sites is run, there is a matching html file. None of these are listed in the Archive page. Noteworthy also is that there are other default posts there in .md and they do not show in the Archive despite having a date in 2015.

Thanks for having a think about the issue. Glad to zip up the blog folder and send if that is useful.

Hi David
Cloud you send me your zip folder? My email is , and let me take a look.

Hi Jiang

I appreciate your help.

This email is coming from my other email account because we are in the middle of migrating to Rackspace email. Its a slow process.

The zip folder is attached.

I did find that by copying an .md file to the posts folder, it showed up in archives, and separated into the year correctly.

That suggests perhaps I am not doing something else right.

Looking forward to to your thoughts


Hi Jiang
Did you find a problem in the folders/documents?

Hi @DavidHine
I find the problem, the archive page is generated by files in posts directory. You could remove the example posts directory and rename your post to posts. Hope this can help you.