
Examples out of date

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Looks like yall have done some major refactoring.

The examples and documentation provided by the README are inaccurate. Seems to have come about with v0.3.0

Which examples? Do the tests pass for you?

A pull request would be appreciated.

On the readme.

    client.addFile('myContainer', 'remoteName.txt', 'path/to/local/file.txt', function (err, uploaded) {
        // File has been uploaded

And I don't have anything yet b/c I can't get the new addFile to actually save anything. I started to read through the Test and I honestly don't remember why I stopped, I'll read through and try again.

Do the tests pass? Run the tests. The units tests are there to ensure that the library is in working order. The examples are only there for connivence.

There is no reason all tests shouldn't all be passing ( since we use this library in production everyday )

Run Tests

All of the node-cloudservers tests are written in vows, and cover all of the use cases described above. You will need to add your Rackspace API username and API key to test/fixtures/test-config.json before running tests:

"auth": {
"username": "your-username",
"apiKey": "your-apikey"
Once you have valid Rackspace credentials you can run tests with vows:

vows test/*-test.js --spec

The test run, that wasn't the issue. I just couldn't get it to work, and the ReadMe documentation wasn't accurate with the new code.

I'll update the read me for yall as I think I have it now.

created the pull for the .addFiles not sure if others have changed (the createContainer hasn't) This is now in issue 17