
New Machine requirement: Replacement for Equinix x64 servers

sxa opened this issue · 26 comments

sxa commented

Equinix have been sponsoring our infrastructure by providing a generous amount of capacity for the Node.js infrastructure. This is now coming to and end and we need to make a plan for migrating our systems away from Equinix (Note: This does not affect the aarch64 Altras which are supplied as part of the Works On Arm project, but are hosted by Equinix)

  • infra
    • joyent:
      debian10-x64-1: {ip:, alias: grafana}
      smartos15-x64-1: {ip:, alias: backup}
      ubuntu1604-x64-1: {ip:, alias: unencrypted}
  • test
    • equinix
      ubuntu2204-x64-1: {ip:, alias: jenkins-workspace-7}
      ubuntu2204-x64-2: {ip:, alias: jenkins-workspace-8}
    • equinix_mnx:
      smartos18-x64-3: {ip:}
      smartos18-x64-4: {ip:}
      smartos20-x64-3: {ip:}
      smartos20-x64-4: {ip:}
      ubuntu1804-x64-1: {ip:, user: ubuntu}

The joyent and equinix_mnx ones are in the nodecore project in the portal, the two test ones are in Node.js

The Joyent/equinix_mnx machines are in a separate account (Nodecore) -- I think MNX are paying for those so would hopefully be unaffected (cc @bahamat).

FWIW the Jenkins workspace machines are c3.small.x86 which are:
1x Intel Xeon E-2278G 8-Core Processor @ 3.40GHz
2x 480GB SSD
2x 10Gbps
1x Intel HD Graphics P630

I think we're only using one of the two disks.

By contrast the third non-Equinix hosted jenkins-workspace machine hosted on IBM Cloud is:
2 vCPU | 4 GB
25 GB SAN boot disk
1 TB SAN disk
100 Mbps

So I think the takeaway here is disk space. Also jenkins-workspace-7 is where our temp binary git repository (used in the arm and Windows fanned jobs) currently resides.

@richardlau the Nodecore systems referenced are also on an account that's currently 100% subsidized, and that subsidy is ending.

I'm currently investigating what I can do about pricing discounts, but I know that "free" is not continuing for these.

We'd like to offer hosting those instances on

This would be like when they were hosted at Joyent. We'd set up a dedicated Triton account with individual instances (rather than two dedicated physical servers). The account billing will be covered by us (MNX). I will assist in getting everything set up and provide credentials to anyone that needs it.

We're also adding another datacenter which will be publicly available in the coming months for the offsite backup instance.

sxa commented

Thank you @bahamat - that's great to hear! Let us know when that's in place.

@bahamat That's sounds great. For clarity, would that include the two machines in the Node.js account or just the ones in the Nodecore one?

@richardlau The NodeCore account is the only one I have access to, so that’s the one I meant.

For the others, I’d need to know what the requirements are, then I need to check if we have available capacity for it.

If you have VMs there, I need the cpu/ram/storage for them, then I can see how much more we can provide.

@bahamat Details are in #3597 (comment). There are two machines with that configuration (c3.small.x86 in Equinix). I think we might not need as much CPU/RAM, but they are consuming disk space, i.e.


root@test-equinix-ubuntu2204-x64-1:/home/iojs# df -h .
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda3       439G  354G   63G  86% /
root@test-equinix-ubuntu2204-x64-1:/home/iojs# du -hs /home/iojs/build/workspace/
240G    /home/iojs/build/workspace/
root@test-equinix-ubuntu2204-x64-1:/home/iojs# du -hs /home/iojs/build/binary_tmp.git
56G     /home/iojs/build/binary_tmp.git


root@test-equinix-ubuntu2204-x64-2:/home/iojs# df -h .
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda3       438G  107G  309G  26% /
root@test-equinix-ubuntu2204-x64-2:/home/iojs# du -hs /home/iojs/build/workspace/
101G    /home/iojs/build/workspace/

@bahamat Have you been able to review #3597 (comment) and #3597 (comment) as to whether the two Jenkins workspace machines could be included in the mnx offer, or if we'll need to source replacements elsewhere?

What is the timeline for this issue? Is there a deadline from Equinix?

What is the timeline for this issue? Is there a deadline from Equinix?

I was checking the notes and seems like start of April is the current deadline.

Do we feel confortable with the given deadline?