
win-vs2022-arm64 builds often fail due to `compiler is out of heap space`

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15:20:10 C:\workspace\node-compile-windows\node\deps\v8\src\codegen\code-stub-assembler.h(3330,1): fatal  error C1060: compiler is out of heap space [C:\workspace\node-compile-windows\node\tools\v8_gypfiles\v8_initializers.vcxproj]
15:20:10 C:\workspace\node-compile-windows\node\deps\v8\src\codegen\code-stub-assembler.h(3391,5): fatal  error C1060: compiler is out of heap space [C:\workspace\node-compile-windows\node\tools\v8_gypfiles\v8_initializers.vcxproj]
15:20:10 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\include\xtr1common(84,1): fatal  error C1060: compiler is out of heap space [C:\workspace\node-compile-windows\node\tools\v8_gypfiles\v8_initializers.vcxproj]

I've noticed the increase as well. Will look into it.

Here's an update: Since the RAM is an issue, there are some things I can try. The simplest one is to increase the size of the pagefile and see how that affects the CI. I've checked the reliability report and the compiler is out of heap space errors seem to be evenly spread among all VS2022 machines. This is helpful as I can apply changes to half of them (changes that are machine-related) and follow how it affects the distribution and number of errors. I'll share results and updates when I have them, just wanted to let everyone know this is not forgotten.

Looking at the latest reliability reports, machines 1, 2, and 3 are no longer running into the compiler is out of heap space issue. Those are the machines that now have been given double the size of the pagefile. I'll apply the same setting on the other 3 and see if that will make the issue disappear.

I haven't seen the compiler is out of heap space recently in the reliability reports. Closing the issue.