
Chaining pipe for streams - probably stupid question but...

Ayms opened this issue · 5 comments

Ayms commented

The test code is simply:

const stream=require('stream');
let stream1=new stream.Duplex();
let stream2=new stream.Duplex();
let stream3=new stream.Duplex();
stream1._read=function() {let;if (data) {console.log('stream1 read '+data.toString())}};
stream2._read=function() {let;if (data) {console.log('stream2 read '+data.toString())}};
stream3._read=function() {let;if (data) {console.log('stream3 read '+data.toString())}};
stream1._write=function(data) {console.log('stream1 receive write '+data.toString())};
stream2._write=function(data) {console.log('stream2 receive write '+data.toString())};
stream3._write=function(data) {console.log('stream3 receive write '+data.toString())};
stream3.push(new Buffer('hello','utf8'));

The result is:

stream2 receive write hello
stream3 read hello

Then stream1 receives nothing, there are of course different ways to solve this but probably I am missing something obvious because if we have to implement something like this.push(data) in stream2._write then I don't see the use of chaining pipes (we can do stream3.write(data))

The doc states that we can pipe from a readable and chain writable streams (the result of the pipe here is a duplex stream, the doc does not say how the pipe handles the write from the writable to the read of the readable to send the data forward to the piped stream)

The example is always the same using gzip, after some research I did not find any other examples except duplex pairs which looks strange since we can wonder then why we are using Duplex streams

That's why I am asking

I’m not sure if that’s what you’re asking, but there is no connection between the writable side of stream2 and the readable side of stream2 here; and because no data is read from stream2, only written to it, no data is written to stream1 either.

Ayms commented

Indeed, if you don't do anything with stream2 then no magic happens with pipe

Now I still have some hard time to get the pipe behavior, once data are processed then you push on the related stream and then pipe writes on the piped stream, OK

Now the use case is: a.pipe(b).etc.pipe(z) bidirectionnal

Which I think is used everywhere by node (http.pipe(gzip).pipe(socket)) so it should be easy

The way forward from a to z is clear, how do you handle the way backward without piping z to a or using something like a duplex pair?

Personnally I would have thought that one way is write/write/write and the other way read/read/read, here we are using both to go only in one direction, or missing something again, probably some link to some code doing the intended behavior would clarify

Ayms commented

This is impossible to do without implementing something like duplex pairs

And for me this is clearly a misspecification of the pipe method so I suggest you transfer it back to the bug tracker

A and B duplex stream

._write=function(data){this.push(transformed data)}

A.pipe(B).pipe(A) --> B should not write back to A if write on B comes from a read from A

And the doc states that writables can be chained via pipes, this is not correct since all pipe streams must be duplex stream and not only writables

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