
Is it addon must put one parameter at least?

webbery opened this issue · 6 comments


I got this error when I passed none paramter in my addon function:

# Fatal error in , line 0
# Check failed: receiver.IsJSFunction().
#FailureMessage Object: 0000008C4ABCEC60
 1: 00007FF66745D1EF napi_wrap+113103
 2: 00007FF66739334F v8::internal::wasm::JSToWasmWrapperCompilationUnit::~JSToWasmWrapperCompilationUnit+258639
 3: 00007FF667DD8E64 V8_Fatal+212
 4: 00007FF6679725D8 v8::internal::JSReceiver::GetCreationContext+360
 5: 00007FF667BFED00 v8::Object::CreationContext+32
 6: 00007FF66747D6C8 node::MakeCallback+40
 7: 00007FF9B44651BF Nan::AsyncResource::runInAsyncScope+175 [E:\code\nodejs\civet\caxios\node_modules\nan\nan.h]:L612
 8: 00007FF9B4465719 Nan::Callback::Call_+153 [E:\code\nodejs\civet\caxios\node_modules\nan\nan.h]:L1806

But if I put one parameter it was work.

await getFilesSnap()  // not work
await getFilesSnap(0) // word

My C++ code like this:

    String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, getFilesSnap, v8::NewStringType::kNormal) 
    v8::FunctionTemplate::New(isolate, getFilesSnap, external) 

I google none of infomation about how to pass none parameter in my function. If you have any link, please tell me.
Thank you.

@helio-frota Thanks. That's not I need. I need function like this:

// js
// C++
void getAllData(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>&){

But in order to work, I must call it like this:

// js
getAllData(0); // must put 0 or other value to avoid runtime error

That's is weird, I'm still learning n-api btw. I have a working example here:
That is nothing but TS calling JS that calls C++ (n-api) that calls C and not using any extra function parameter in order to work.
JS calling the N-api part here:

I hope this help in some way

@webbery is your code public?

@webbery you can also trust on the example I shared because it was double checked and fixed by @NickNaso 😎

Here is my code:
The problem function is getFilesSnap in interface.cpp. I want to call it with getFilesSnap() but getFilesSnap( **anything_except_void** ) can work.