
Update install documentation for Windows users

medikoo opened this issue · 4 comments

It looks that existing documentation doesn't work well for Windows 8.1 users.

  1. Windows 8.1 SDK needs to be installed and not Windows 7 SDK as documentation suggests.
    erikdubbelboer/node-sleep#18 (comment)
  2. VS 2013 Community should be installed instead of suggested VS 2013 Express
    bnoordhuis/node-iconv#110 (comment)

Additional things I needed on my side

  • Set VCTargtsPath with
set VCTargetsPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V120
  • Run npm rebuild (or install) always withinin VS2012 x86 Native Tools Command Prompt, and with --msvs_version=2013 argument

Windows 10 User: Very Useful. Had to sift through blog after blog to find this info and after upgrading to Node v5 it broke again. Also attempted to update to the full Windows 10 SDK, no luck. Windows Standalone SDK for Windows 10

This should be resolved once #867 is finalized and merged. Additional details from my struggle captured with #679 (comment)

Real solution for Windows 10 !
#702 (comment)