
Collaborator Summit Berlin 2018 - May 31st, June 1st 2018

mcollina opened this issue Β· 136 comments

Collaborator Summit Berlin 2018

We are back with the date for the Node.js Collaborator Summit in Berlin next to JSConf.Eu (which is on June 2-3, 2018).
This is a live issue that will be constantly updated to match the proposed agenda.

Collaborator Summit Day One: May 31st, 2018

AWS Berlin
address Krausenstraße 38, 10117 Berlin, Germany


Main space: 80 in theatre seating, projector, kitchen restroom can be rearranged(can be split into two smaller rooms as well as just moving chairs around)
Other spaces:
3 meeting rooms, each 12-14 people
1 larger 20 people. theatre seating for 30-40 and also had a large screen
tons of white board space throughout


Time Place Topic Speakers/Champions Issue
9:00 - 9:30 main space Introduction and agenda bashing
9:30 - 10:00 main space Talk: Holding on to your Performance Promises @bmeurer, @MayaLekova #86
10:00 - 10:30 main space Talk: Web Assembly @linclark, @lukewagner, @tschneidereit #62
10:30 - 11:00 break
11:00 - 12:30 meeting room Diagnostics @mhdawson #71
11:00 - 12:30 meeting room Web Assembly @linclark, @lukewagner, @tschneidereit #62
11:00 - 12:30 meeting room Docs: Integrating with All The Groups @bnb #79
11:00 - 12:30 meeting room still open
12:30 - 13:30 lunch provided by AWS
13:30 - 15:00 meeting room Promises @MayaLekova, @bmeurer, @benjamingr #86
13:30 - 15:00 meeting room Diversity/Inclusivity @Tiriel #75
13:30 - 15:00 meeting room Modules @MylesBorins nodejs/modules#120
13:30 - 15:00 meeting room still open
15:00 - 15:30 break
15:30 - 17:00 meeting room Future of Streams @mafintosh #82
15:30 - 17:00 meeting room Website Redesign: Content Creation @amiller-gh @chowdhurian #89
15:30 - 17:00 meeting room i18n & l10n @zeke #61
15:30 - 17:00 meeting room CommCom: Individual Membership program subgroup formation @hackygolucky
17:00 - 18:00 main space Presentations by breakout rooms

if you want to speak and present a topic, feel free to reply to this issue with a brief abstract.

Collaborator Summit Day Two: June 1st, 2018

Mozilla Berlin
address Schlesische Str. 27, 10997 Berlin, Germany


Time Place Topic Speakers/Champions Issue
9:00 - 9:30 Introduction and agenda bashing
9:30 - 10:30 The scope and status of a core collaborator & Growing Collaborators @MylesBorins @joyeecheung @mcollina #67
10:30 - 11:30 Project velocity @benjamingr @Trott #64
11:30 - 12:30 lunch provided by Mozilla
12:30 - 13:00 How to better collaborate on TC39 @littledan
13:00 - 13:30 Scoping modules @joyeecheung #84
13:30 - 15:00 Break out Sessions
15:00 - 15:30 break
15:30 - 17:00 Governance @dshaw
17:00 - 17:30 Closing remarks

if you want to speak and present a topic, feel free to reply to this issue with a brief abstract.



Anyone can come, but we will not be explicitly onboarding at Collab
Summit Berlin. Conversations can move fast as working groups have
a lot of context. This Spring instance of Collab Summit will not include
a morning Code + Learn to learn how to contribute prior to congregating
for the summit. Please look to the Fall Collab Summit in Vancouver, BC
for this pairing.

Working groups will put together a brief schedule so that people can
familiarize themselves before folks get onsite, having the general collaborator
discussions, and then dive into breakout sessions.

Working groups in attendance

We'd love to know ahead who will be represented. Filing issues in this repo is helpful for discussion particular to a working group and how they'd like to manage their time. Linking to that here would be great! We're working on creating a Projects Board to post times for this on the conf agenda so people are aware of when a WG meets and can maybe get a break, if needed. We'll be looking at issues filed in this repo titled "Berlin: working group something something" to add these below as well.

  • Working group that will be at Collaboration Summit
    • Name of contact @github-handle
    • link to working group planning issue
    • Any extra requests(space during conf, av/sound, etc.)

Travel Fund

There are funds available for any Individual Member of the Node.js Foundation to receive travel funds to Collab Summit. Membership is free for active collaborators. Sign up HERE.

PLEASE follow the instructions for application to receive travel funds HERE.

@nodejs/collaborators @nodejs/v8 @nodejs/tsc @nodejs/community-committee We should figure out what topics we want to cover.
We think we will be best served with some monotrack presentations and discussions in the morning, and breakout rooms in the afternoon. We can change everything, so if you think a better structure will suit us better, let us know!
It would be fantastic if each one of the breakouts is facilitated by someone who will be responsible to "run" the breakout and do a quick presentation at the end. This person would also set some outcomes from the breakout so we leverage our time together in the best possible ways.

I'll be attending :) maybe @nodejs/modules ? would be great if some work could get done at Berlin

Great to see this coming together. Thank you for driving this forward. While it looks like I won't actually be able to make this one due to my 18 year old being scheduled to graduate from high school on May 31st, it would be excellent to have both @nodejs/diagnostics and @nodejs/security-wg sessions scheduled for this.

Sounds like a good time to talk about the future of streams, re: nodejs/node#18640

If I may ask, let's please plan on having better remote participation options this time around. I may not be able to be there in person, but I'd definitely join in remotely.

I'll definitely be attending.

(On that note, does JSConf.EU have any special ticket allocations or anything for Node.js collaborators? Trying to figure out their ticket selling system is quite the pain...)


On that note, does JSConf.EU have any special ticket allocations or anything for Node.js collaborators?

As far as I know from last time we checked, no. You can contact organizers and ask though in

@benjamingr Thanks. I don't even want a discount or anything. I just don't want to have to think about their deadlines and release schedules... πŸ˜†Oh well, will have to manage I guess.

I'll attend. I could present some of the recent Promise and async work in V8 if that's generally interesting in this context.

I'll attend. I could present some of the recent Promise and async work in V8 if that's generally interesting in this context.

That would be amazing, I would love to discuss problems I believe users will have in Node in the future (async iterator performance, common promise patterns and other optimization targets) as well as understand better how things work from the v8 front.

Let me know if there is anything I can do to help prepare.

bmeck commented

I can attend remotely but not in person.

there's about a 2% chance I can attend in person otherwise I can remote in

I’ll be there, probably on Thursday and definitely on Friday.

I'll try to attend in person. If I can't make it I'll join remotely.

@benjamingr I'd like to understand the reason for the current microtask integration with Node better, I do think we loose some performance there. So that's definitely something we could look into together in Berlin. Besides that, concrete examples for performance problems you're talking about would be super helpful πŸ‘

@mcollina That being said, my talk proposal is:

Holding on to your Performance Promises

The ES2015 revision of JavaScript introduced Promises as primitives for asynchronous operations and generators as primitives for concurrent programming. On top of that ES2017/18 added async functions and generators. This talk briefly explores these primitives, and look into the performance peculiarities of Promises-based programming paradigms. We’ll especially look into how these operations perform in V8, the JavaScript engine that powers Node.js.

I think having a breakout about promises in the afternoon would be fantastic as well.

It would be fantastic if each one of those is facilitated by someone who will be responsible to "run" the breakout and do a quick presentation at the end. This person would also set some outcomes from the breakout so we leverage our time.

I would love to join remotely if this could happen.
@nodejs/security-wg guys what do you say? would any of you be able to make it there?

I think it'd be nice if we had at least one presentation from the community side of things too. Would anyone be interested in something about the current initiatives of the CommComm or something like that?

I should be able to make it (TBC). Let's have a security session!

@mcollina Sure, I can run the breakout session.

bnb commented

@oe I will be attending. Would love to see a high-level report on the @nodejs/community-committee and reports on @nodejs/i18n, @nodejs/website-redesign, and @nodejs/user-feedback if there's enough representation ❀️

I will be attending, definitely want to talk modules. Can also discuss board related matters and governance.

Would love to see sessions on build + release

dshaw commented

I would like to talk about everyone's favorite topic: Governance. πŸ’–βœ¨

dshaw commented

We have a lot of topics like Diagnostics, Promises and Governance that are really heavy and require a lot of context around both the Node.js project and our community. I'd love to see us come up with some ideas (tracks?) for new collaborators too. Unfortunately, I don't have any proposals that I could come up with, but I thought I'd share this so others can draw inspiration.

zeke commented

I'll be there! Maybe just for day 2 tho.

I'd be interested in discussing internationalization and localization if there's enough interest in the topic. Opened an issue per @mcollina's recommendation above: #61

I would love to attend 😍

@dshaw would an introduction to JavaScript with V8 be a good topic for that? Explaining some of the unwritten rules of Node core?

I'd love to join @zeke and help facilitate a discussion around i18n & l10n if it garners enough interest! πŸŽ‰

I'd like to be there again this year. Will schedule this in and see if I can make it.

I hope to be there as well.

I might be able to attend, I'm not sure yet though

Added the current links and info for requesting travel funds and joining as a member to receive them in the issue description!

I'll try to be there, but I'm not sure yet. Still need to work it out with my employer. I'd love to though

@Tiriel if we both go, let's sync up ;-)

I'll be there, and happy to talk about WebAssembly :) I've added an issue: #62

I will be happy to attend, I want to use the opportunity to give a talk on the benefit of participation of African collaborators to NodeJs Development and how the NodeJs Foundation can effectively support that.

I will try to attend.

I'm planning on attending as well.

I'd love to attend and would definitely love to talk about community and diversity.

I am interested in attending as well and am in the process of figuring out travel plans.

I'll be there as well, but will arrive only in the afternoon on the first day.

I'm pretty sure I'll be there. I'd be interested in getting together to work on reviving the education team. Since I'm new to the community and haven't been involved to date, I don't feel like I can lead something on that. If anyone else is interested in pulling something together, I'm more than willing to be a partner to get something going on this at the Collab Summit. (I'll post this note in the Education repo as well.)

I would love to attend

@Qard and I will be attending as well πŸŽ‰

I plan to attend but cannot confirm just yet.

I'm planning to attend as well.

Is there any update with the itenary, address and other details? @mcollina

zeke commented

AWS Berlin
address TBD

I'm starting to look for lodging. Would be handy to know roughly where the summit will be held.

I plan to attend the second day. I'm interested in just learning about what problems Node is having and approaches to solving problems, including problems which might exist at the JS language level. Happy to talk about TC39 stuff if it's relevant, especially class features, BigInt, Intl, and improving the collaboration between Node and TC39.

I'd be glad to make sure we have some Node.js swag there just let me know where to send it and to whose attention.

Happy to say that I will in attendance too! I look forward to helping with sessions about the website redesign, governance, and other community related initiatives πŸŽ‰

AWS Berlin
address TBD

I'm starting to look for lodging. Would be handy to know roughly where the summit will be held.

Is there any update on what the planned address is? AIUI a lot of the hotels in the area are full up, so people will be looking for the closest hotels nowish.

Is AWS Berlin this event? If so that seems to be at STATION Berlin.

Hey πŸ‘ on asking for the addess. I am planning to book my accomodation.

@vdeturckheim Generally, you should be good if you have a hotel in Berlin-Mitte or Berlin-Kreuzberg. Also, Berlin has pretty good public transport, so don't worry if you end up somewhere else πŸ˜„

@oe thanks! booking :D God, I have not been in Berlin since I was 13.

I've updated the top issue with details I believe to be correct. If the addresses are wrong I apologize, this is what I found via search.

First day at AWS Berlin office, Second day at Mozilla Berlin office.

I'm assembling the agenda for the Summit. Please add a comment here or open a new issue on this repo if your team/wg would like to have a slot.

I currently have listed:

It is expected to have a brief presentation about the workshop in a plenary session, so that everybody knows what's happening.
There is still some space before we need to decide what we want to pick.

@mcollina that sounds amazing, so many interesting topics at once :D

@mcollina ... One thing to keep in mind is that in prior collaboration summits we have not done a good job of note taking and record keeping, or in documenting decisions that need to be made for the benefit of people who cannot attend in person. A more formal concerted effort should be made to

  • have a note taker for each session,
  • have all decisions/work items written up as issues in the GitHub tracker
  • ensure that everyone knows decisions made face to face are still open for discussion in the tracker after following the normal consensus process.

This is important because we have failed at doing this in the past and it did end up causing confusion. We should take this opportunity to get better at it and the more formally organized agenda should help facilitate that.

Also, will there be options for remote attendees? Zoom or hangouts perhaps?

Qard commented

I would suggest having every session broadcast and recorded on YouTube so, even if notes are missing or incomplete, there is something to refer to for a decision-making paper trail.

Thanks @mcollina. You should probably remove the Education Team from the list. No one else has spoken up to join in on that in the education issue queue, so I'm going to likely put my energy into collaborating with the website redesign team and the getting started with Node work.

Should we put in a session for the Website Redesign instead? It might be a fantastic moment to present what the team have done so far to the rest of the collaborators!

zeke commented

i18n and Website Redesign are two very closely related efforts. This will be a good opportunity to explore how it should all fit together.

@mcollina, @chowdhurian and I would be happy to lead a session on the website redesign efforts! We can work with @obensource to talk about any i18n crossover, but I have a hunch there will also be a lot to present that is not related directly to translations πŸ™‚

@zeke @amiller-gh do you need two sessions and a talk slot? The number of rooms will be limited, and we will be following a more "structured" approach to ensure we leverage our time to the max.

Hey everyone, we're currently figuring out a time slot for a potential NodeSchool Berlin meetup around JSConf. We thought it'd be a good idea to schedule one for the 31st, coinciding with the first day of the Summit. This would fit nicely because the meetup usually happens at the Mozilla Berlin space, which would give people a chance to see the space we'd be occupying the next day. It'd also serve as a nice relaxing hangout after the first day, and it would give people a chance to meet some of the Node.js team (we could market it as such). Thoughts?

zeke commented

do you need two sessions and a talk slot?

@mcollina I'm not sure I understand your question. I am happy to work with whatever time and space allotment makes sense. I think "i18n" and "website" and "i18n + website" could easily stand on their own as discussion topics, but if we need to condense that's fine with me.

bengl commented

Finally booked flights. So I'll be attending. πŸŽ‰

Do we want to keep some sort of rough sign up to have an idea of attendance numbers?

I will attend the event and join the discussions then.

πŸ‘‹ would also love to attend on behalf of Electron, anywhere i'm needed and can help out!

I'm planning to attend.

For anyone who is interested - going to start commenting on Issue #59 with regards to Collaborator's Summit in October!

Hi everyone,
Those who are going to attend Collab Summit, I'd love if someone can discuss and get feedback on
Initiative for Nodejs Community Chapters

There is also a related issue in NodeSchool Organizers repo, where many organizers have shown interest. Collaboration with Node.js Community Committee / Working Group Members

I assume many people from NodeSchool and other communities would be present at Collab Summit so it'd be a good time to discuss. There is no plan on what should be done right now. So just getting feedback and opinion from others should be enough.

If you want to discuss further on this, please comment on actual Issue in CommComm. Don't want to mess with everyone in this thread.

bnb commented

For those of you who will be in town for more than just the Collaborator's Summit, there's also this handy website that has a bunch of community events around JSConf EU if you're interested in doing more:

bnb commented

I'd like to propose another agenda item:

  • Docs Discussion: Focusing on how we can improve the DX of the Node.js documentation.

Sorry for the late-ish notice, but I will be present.

@Fishrock123 remember to RSVP at #66

Hi everyone,
could someone confirm the locations of the summit?

AWS Berlin
address Krausenstraße 38, 10117 Berlin, Germany

Mozilla Berlin
address Schlesische Str. 27, 10997 Berlin, Germany

I would like to book an hotel near by these locations.

@NickNaso Those are the locations (31st for AWS and 1st for Mozilla). But I don't think you can go wrong staying anywhere in Mitte, Kreuzberg or Friedrichshain. Getting around Berlin is pretty convenient.

@apapirovski Thanks for the suggestions.

@bmeurer I would love to discuss future V8 APIs for promises - do you think your session would be a good time or should it be separate?

Basically, I started (with a bunch of other people locally) to enumerate debugging use cases for promises and things we can do with Bluebird/userland that native promises can't do yet or stuff that it'd be really cool if native promises allowed us to do.

  • Bluebird's promise warnings
  • Better precise unhandled rejection detection (for example at the end of a 'transaction').
  • Better promise instrumentation to detect 'forever pending' promises

Ideally, I'd also like to be able to expose the capability to support promise library features in async/await (progress, cancellation etc) (just the capability, not suggesting adding them to native promises).

The two things that always pop-up as useful for that are:

  • resolve/init promise hooks that allow interception of the state of the promise and setting it
  • a context like API for "all promises created in a certain scope".

@benjamingr We can totally do that. Seems to fit nicely. How about we just run the session together?

@bmeurer I'd be humbled though honestly it would probably be you saying a lot of smart and interesting things about how promises work in V8 and me rambling about half prepared half baked ideas and intuitions - if you're not too concerned with that then I'm game.

I'm very interested in discussing the use cases we've mapped and seeing how we can address them from the V8 side to "put userland libraries out of business" by addressing the use cases they perform better from the platform side.

@benjamingr I don't think it'll be like that. I don't wanna go too much into V8 details anyways, but rather focus on the Node/user facing issues, so you'd clearly be the expert there.

Opened a couple of new issues for additional topics. Not sure if that was the right thing to do but since there were a few opened for topics thought I would go ahead.

@mcollina is there a draft of the agenda so far?

@mhdawson I've shared a draft agenda with you some time ago. I'll send a PR shortly.

I've updated this issue with the latest draft of the agenda. Let me know what you think

Can we grab 14:30 - 15:00 (main space) Still Open for embedding Node.js ? (see nodejs/user-feedback#51)

Although I was thinking for more of a workshop than talk and I see the other items in those slots are talks.

@mhdawson we have the meeting rooms available, so we might want to fork off and do a workshop for the full length of that session. It might just be better overall.

@linclark @mafintosh do you need the talk slot or the 1.5 hour slot is enough?

Sorry, getting up a bit late on this, but would there be a space available somewhere to get a workshop on discussing/launching a Diversity/Inclusivity Initiative?
That is, if people are interested of course.
The second day seems a bit less full, so if we could have a spot, that would be ΓΌber cool.

@mcollina if doing that (forking workshop for part of the session) is an option we can sync with people interested and see if that makes sense.

@mhdawson it's definitely possible, we have a lot of rooms!

I've updated the agenda, check it out!

Is there anything special I need to do in order to attend? I'd love to, and it's easy for me as I'm located in Berlin.

@ThisIsMissEm I think you’d want to RSVP by opening a PR against Otherwise, I think most relevant things re: attending are mentioned in the PR description here?