
running autobahn test suite

KhafraDev opened this issue · 4 comments

We cannot move WebSocket out from experimental until we run the autobahn test suite.

Maybe we can adapt it from this?

I think we should do it in two steps.

  1. Add autobahn test suite and make it run via an npm script like npm run test:autobahn
  2. Fix errors thrown by autobahn incrementally
  3. If all tests pass, add it as part of the test:websocket npm script

@Uzlopak thanks for the link, but I'd probably use ws' autobahn client script; a lot of what's implemented in Websocket-node is just a basic setup that the autobahn suite instructs us on how to setup already.

autobahn tests don't exit out, it generates a report with passed/failed tests as an html file. We would instead publish the report on the docs site (for example).

running the tests is relatively easy, but making a reproducible testing suite is the hard part. Also, the tests don't give information on what failed and we have to replicate each test in js which makes it hard.


Here are the results. (rename to index.html, github wouldn't let me upload an html file...)