
Policy for maintaining open issues

jmattsson opened this issue · 0 comments

Follow-up to the mighty #719.

The original NodeMCU authors suspended active contributions to this project in summer 2015 and transferred the responsibility for the support and maintenance of the project to a small number of independent contributors.

However, in order to do this with our limited resources we have to enforce a strict scope on issues that we will accept here. We will typically close:

  • Any sort of developer support questions like "how do I ..." or a "I can't get this to work ...". See our support page for alternatives.
  • Any enhancement requests where the originating poster is not proposing to resource the development him or herself as we don't have the effort to resource additional enhancements
  • Any issues relating to unmaintained firmware versions. See the GitHub releases section for the current version. However, we encourage posters to upgrade their firmware to the newest dev build and if the issue still exists then we will investigate it as per the following item.
  • Any bug reports with recent SDK based build that does not define the build baseline and include a standalone example (in the form of a gist or inline code) which clearly demonstrates the bug.

We also expect all posters to follow the StackOverflow Code of Conduct. We reserve the right to remove content that breaches this code, to lock issues that contain multiple breaches, and to block users that repeatedly initiate the same.

Given that comments are written once and read many times, we also ask that posters use Markdown styling where possible including the useful Github-specific extensions.

Notwithstanding this, if we can give constructive feedback then we may still provide guidance on such closed issues, but we reserve the right not to comment further or to lock the conversation. However anyone is free to reopen closed issues if they can provide the necessary supplementary information (e.g. by providing an example which shows that the bug is still present on the current dev build).

We apologise for what may seem very strict criteria, but we must focus our limited resources to achieve the greatest common good.