Manage & spin up mongodb server binaries with zero(or slight) configuration for tests.
- 1
Silence `ECONNRESET` on `stop`
#900 opened by hasezoey - 3
Starting the MongoMemoryServer Instance failed
#904 opened by zhenl - 11
DownloadError: Download failed for url "https://fastdl.mongodb.org/linux/mongodb-linux-x86_64-5.0.19.tgz"
#828 opened by arpitgoyal43 - 3
- 3
Trailing comma on the package.json crash server
#906 opened by GramThanos - 1
Can you move `mongodb` to a peerDependency?
#901 opened by f3oall - 3
MongoMemoryServer.create unusually slow in v10
#889 opened by Marchelune - 5
Download failed for RHEL 8.0 URLs
#896 opened by tomhudak - 9
Download failed for url `https://fastdl.mongodb.org/linux/mongodb-linux-x86_64-rhel80-7.0.14.tgz`
#893 opened by natlibfi-jonollil - 4
MacOS Sequoia 15.0 "instanceInfo" is not defined
#888 opened by lusqua - 2
[SOLUTION] Jest and Fake Timers
#824 opened by DominicVonkPON - 0
Drop mongodb server 3.6 support
#894 opened by hasezoey - 1
CommonJS support should be added back
#892 opened by kevin-boutin - 1
Add tests for mongodb binary `8.x`
#891 opened by hasezoey - 9
- 9
Instance failed to start because a library is missing or cannot be opened: "libcrypto.so.1.1"
#869 opened by Sangyog10 - 48
"getport" sometimes throwing an error
#827 opened by tarasromil - 2
Update minimal nodejs version to `16`
#805 opened by hasezoey - 4
Update `mongodb` to `6.0.0`
#804 opened by hasezoey - 2
- 1
- 1
How to initialize data/collections/indexes on startup?
#875 opened by thardy - 10
- 4
The download of the mongodb binary is corrupted when using a hoisted dependency in a monorepo
#873 opened by oddball - 1
Requested Version "6.0.14" is not available for "Debian 12"! Available Versions: ">=7.0.3"
#870 opened by k-gupta-2001 - 1
Error when trying to run tests
#867 opened by Blacedraco - 8
Issue downloading mongo binaries with Nexus set as MONGOMS_DOWNLOAD_MIRROR
#865 opened by SimoneDutto - 1
ReplicaSet - emulate replication lag
#863 opened by konstantinzelinsky - 5
- 2
- 11
Can't connect to dockerized mongodb-memory-server replica set running as a service in GitLab
#815 opened by diegosasw - 7
Mongod instance closed with code "127"
#850 opened by Noor-Ansari - 3
_startUpInstance threw a Error: TypeError: (intermediate value).finally is not a function
#847 opened by Helyan47 - 7
- 7
- 4
GridFS streams not working correctly
#839 opened by framp - 2
- 2
Jest + mongodb-memory-server + mongoose - Calling 'find' hangs indefinitely
#840 opened by orelHunters - 0
Randomizing db names for each test
#837 opened by k2xl - 6
postinstallHelper always installs to $HOME/.cache instead of node_modules/.cache
#833 opened by Simon-Hayden-Dev - 3
- 1
Weird "db.watch" issue
#831 opened by cope - 4
- 2
oplogSize for replSet should be removed in README
#819 opened by m0rtalis - 4
Add Support for "Rocky Linux 9"
#821 opened by cinder-fish - 2
Use RHEL 9 binaries
#820 opened by cinder-fish - 1
Consider supporting mongod option `--logpath`
#810 opened by hasezoey - 1
- 8
New versions trigger no saslprep warnings
#807 opened by nicolassanmar - 0
Consider moving constant regexes to use constants
#809 opened by hasezoey