
Primary LanguageTypeScriptGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Brennerlec road webcamera

REUSE Compliance CI/CD REUSE status

A responsive webcomponent for showing web camera images on Brennerlec A22 road.


Include the web-component JS wile located in /www folder

<script type="module" src="./noi-brennerlec.esm.js"></script>

Define the web component like this:





Type: string Default: browser language or 'en' if the language is not supported Options: "en", "it"


Layout appearance. We support three layouts: desktop, tablet and mobile.

Type: string Default: 'auto', which means the layout will dynamically adjust to screen size Options: "desktop", "tablet", "mobile", "auto"


Data refresh interval

Type: number Default: 60000 (1 minute)

CSS varialbles

This is regular CSS styles for the component, but specific adjustment is supported. Here is an example of dark mode styles:

noi-brennerlec {
  font-family: "Roboto", serif;

  --color-primary: rgb(224, 224, 224);
  --color-primary-rgb: 224, 224, 224;
  --color-secondary: rgb(23, 162, 184);
  --color-text: #FFF;
  --color-background: #333;
  --map-marker-color: #5d8d58;
  --map-marker-color-bg: #282828;
  --map-filter: grayscale(100%) invert(1);
  --scrollbar-color: #CCC;
  --scrollbar-bg: #333;

--color-primary, --color-primary-rgb

Primary color and it's rgb representation (should correspond to the first value). Default is:

  --noi-primary: #0068B4;
  --noi-primary-rgb: 0, 104, 180;


Secondary color. Default is:

  --color-secondary: #00A767;


Text color. Default is:

  --color-text: #333333;


Background color. Default is:

  --color-background: #FFFFFF;


Scrollbar thumb color. Default is:

  --scrollbar-color: initial;


Scrollbar background color. Default is:

  --scrollbar-bg: initial;


Marker color on the map. Default is:

  --map-marker-color: #3a9c77;


Marker background color on the map. Default is:

  --map-marker-color-bg: #FFFFFF;


Map filter (used as CSS filter property). Default is:

  --map-filter: grayscale(100%);

Getting started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


To build the project, the following prerequisites must be met:

  • Node 20 / NPM 10

For a ready to use Docker environment with all prerequisites already installed and prepared, you can check out the Docker environment section.

Source code

Get a copy of the repository:

git clone https://github.com/noi-techpark/webcomponents-brennerlec.git

Change directory:

cd webcomponents-brennerlec/


Download all dependencies:

npm install


Build and start the project:

npm run start

The application will be served and can be accessed at http://localhost:8998.

Tests and linting

The tests and the linting can be executed with the following commands:

npm run test
npm run lint


To create the distributable files, execute the following command:

npm run build

Run with docker

If you want to test the webcomponent on a local instance of the webcomponent store to make sure that it will run correctly also on the real store. You can also access the webcomponent running in a simple separated docker container outside of the store.

If you have already developed your webcomponent and now want to test it on a local instance of the store, just copy .env.example, docker-compose.yml, wcs-manifest.json and infrastructure/docker into your root folder. Adjust your package.json and wcs-manifest.json files as described on the top of this readme. Then follow the instructions below.

For accessing the webcomponent in a separated docker in the browser you will need a server (e.g. webpack dev-server) that is hosting a page which includes the webcomponent tag, as well as the script defining it. This page needs to be hosted on port 8080 as specified in your docker-compose file.


Install Docker (with Docker Compose) locally on your machine.

Start the docker containers

  • Create a .env file:
    cp .env.example .env
  • [Optional] Adjust port numbers in .env if they have conflicts with services already running on your machine
  • Start the store with:
    docker-compose up -d
  • Wait until the containers are running. You can check the current state with:
    docker-compose logs --tail 500 -f
  • Access the store in your browser on:
  • Access webcomponent running in separated docker in your browser on:

Publish a new version of your webcomponent

  • Increase version number WC_VERSION in your .env file
  • Then run: docker-compose up wcstore-cli

Stop the docker containers

  • docker-compose stop

Delete your webcomponents from the store

  • [sudo] rm -f workspace
  • docker-compose rm -f -v postgres



For support, please contact help@opendatahub.com.


If you'd like to contribute, please follow the following instructions:

  • Fork the repository.
  • Checkout a topic branch from the main branch.
  • Make sure the tests are passing.
  • Create a pull request against the main branch.

A more detailed description have a look at our Getting Started Guide.


More documentation can be found at https://docs.opendatahub.com.


The project uses this boilerplate: https://github.com/noi-techpark/webcomp-boilerplate.


The code in this project is licensed under the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 license. See the LICENSE.md file for more information.


This project is REUSE compliant, more information about the usage of REUSE in NOI Techpark repositories can be found here.

Since the CI for this project checks for REUSE compliance you might find it useful to use a pre-commit hook checking for REUSE compliance locally. The pre-commit-config file in the repository root is already configured to check for REUSE compliance with help of the pre-commit tool.

Install the tool by running:

pip install pre-commit

Then install the pre-commit hook via the config file by running:

pre-commit install