[help] How to call other lua plugin exposed methods
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Like I want to develop my own plugin based on telescope
, is it possible to use nvim-ox
? Thanks
Hello ! I've got the same question. ๐
Moreover I think that it would be a good example.
Ok so after searching a couple hours, I understood that I was supposed to use mlua. Here is a small example :
// You must add `mlua` as a dependency in your Cargo.toml file.
use mlua::prelude::{LuaFunction, LuaTable};
use nvim_oxi::{self as oxi, Dictionary, Function};
// I don't understand yet what is this `_none` parameter.
// I added it and it's working but I guess I'll need to understand why at some point.
fn mlua_test(_none: ()) -> oxi::Result<()> {
// You must also add feature `mlua` for nvim_oxi to your `Cargo.toml` as well.
let lua = oxi::mlua::lua();
// `lua.globals()` returns a reference to the global table of the Lua state.
// `LuaFunction` is the type of what you `get` from the global table.
// In this case it's a Lua function.
let require = lua.globals().get::<_, LuaFunction>("require")?;
// You can call this fuction like this to get the `telescope.builtin` table.
let telescope_builtin: LuaTable = require.call("telescope.builtin")?;
// I think that you get the point now.
let find_files = telescope_builtin.get::<_, LuaFunction>("find_files")?;
pub fn my_module() -> oxi::Result<Dictionary> {
let mlua_test = Function::from_fn(mlua_test);
Ok(Dictionary::from_iter([("mlua_test", mlua_test)]))
After installing it, you can do:
nvim -c "lua require'my_module'.mlua_test()"
I guess that you can go there for more in depth mlua usage -> https://github.com/mlua-rs/mlua
// I don't understand yet what is this
You need to add it because Function::from_fn()
accepts a closure (or a function in this case) whose argument implements Poppable
. If your function doesn't take any arguments you can just use ()
, just like you did.
I'll close this as completed but feel free to re-open it if you still have questions.